How do you get pregnant quickly after menstruation?


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Pregnancy can occur if you and your partner are healthy and fertile. The problem, woman's fertile period it doesn't happen every day. There are times when women are fertile, which is around the day of ovulation (the egg is released and ready to be fertilized). However, there are also times when the chances of pregnancy are very small, namely when the woman menstruates. Then, after menstruation is complete can you get pregnant immediately? Well, here are various ways to get pregnant quickly after menstruation that you can apply.

Can you get pregnant if you have sex after menstruation?

Actually, the fertilization process can occur at any time. It's just that the possibilities or opportunities certainly vary every time.

Pregnancy can only be realized through fertilization. Fertilization occurs when an egg cell meets sperm cells. It means that the sperm must be in the fallopian tubes when the female egg is released by the ovary or at the latest 24 hours after the egg is released.

Usually the process of releasing eggs occurs about two weeks before and after you menstruate. However, this count is only valid if menstrual cycle You are the same every month, which is 28 days.

Therefore, having sex exactly one day after finishing menstruation can indeed cause pregnancy. But unfortunately, the possibility of a pregnancy is very small. Because, the day after menstruation your egg has not been released by the ovary. Whereas if sperm cells enter, sperm cells can only survive in a woman's body for five days. So when finally the egg is released in the fertile period, sperm cells die first so they cannot fertilize.

An easy way to calculate when your next fertile period is withFertility Calculatorwhich can be used by clicking the following image:

How to quickly get pregnant after menstruation

Take it easy, there are still several ways to get pregnant quickly after menstruation that you can try with your partner. That way, you can maximize your time so you can have children quickly. Consider the following tips.

see a doctor

You may visit the obstetrician with your partner to plan a pregnancy. The doctor may check the condition of your body and help track when your fertility period, even provide various suggestions and ways to get pregnant quickly after menstruation.

In addition, doctors can also help you prepare your body for a healthy pregnancy. For example by suggesting to eat healthy foods or certain supplements.

Find out when your fertile period is

Without knowing your own fertile period, you will find it more difficult to get pregnant. Because the fertile period is the best time for having sex without contraceptive methods so that fertilization occurs.

You can find out your fertile period by carefully recording when you menstruate every month. That way, you can guess on days after your period you start entering the fertile period.

Choose the best time to have sex

You can start having sex during your most fertile period. Usually it is about three days before the day the female egg is released. Remember, sperm can survive around five days in a woman's body, while eggs can only survive a day.

Learn to manage stress

Be careful, during menstruation hormonal changes may change your emotional state to be more sensitive and easy attacked by stress. In fact, excessive stress can make a person more difficult to get pregnant.

Therefore, you need to exercise stress management so that when menstruation is over, your mood has improved considerably. You and your partner are ready to work on a pregnancy.

Everyone has their own way to relieve stress, for example with exercise or relaxation. You only need to find out which one is the best and most effective for you.

How do you get pregnant quickly after menstruation?
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