Is it true that eating popcorn can cause appendicitis?


Medical Video: Why Are Fewer People Getting Appendicitis?

Appendicitis is a serious medical condition in which the appendix, a finger-shaped organ that attaches to the large intestine, becomes swollen and inflamed. Although the cause of this condition is uncertain, appendicitis is often caused by a blockage of the lumen of the appendix. When organs are infected or blocked, bacteria can multiply rapidly, causing your appendix to swell and fill with pus, which is a thick liquid containing bacteria, tissue cells, and white blood cells that die against infection. Although popcorn is not considered a common cause of appendicitis, popcorn seeds can cause blockages that can contribute to appendicitis.

What is the connection between popcorn and appendicitis?

As explained above, appendicitis occurs when the appendix is ​​swollen and filled with pus. This appendicitis causes pain around the navel when it first develops, but then shifts to the right side of the abdomen and becomes more intense as the condition progresses. Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, fever, diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal swelling.

Clogged foods are another reason why appendicitis may develop. Small pieces of food can block the opening of the cavity that runs along your appendix, causing pus and swelling. When a small piece of food blocks the opening, it will allow bacteria to form in the appendix. If not treated, inflammation will cause rupture of the appendix, which can cause the spread of bacteria throughout the body.

You can accidentally swallow the popcorn seeds and eventually the seeds reach the opening of the cavity that runs along your appendix. Although this is not common, it can cause appendicitis. Popcorn that has not been thoroughly chewed can also cause blockages that lead to appendicitis.

The danger of other popcorn

1. Choking

Toddlers can choke on popcorn until they die. Three-year-olds and toddlers are at high risk because their throats are small in diameter and their back teeth are still not growing, so they cannot chew food into small pieces. Therefore, never give popcorn for children under 5 years.

2. Pulmonary damage

Almost all microwave bags of butter popcorn contain chemical diacetyl which has caused lung problems for popcorn factory workers for years. This condition develops, after repeated exposure to aromatic additives, becomes serious lung damage. A case of consumer exposure has also been observed in people who provide and eat several bags of popcorn every day for several years, the University of Illinois noted.

3. Allergy

Those who have allergies or corn intolerance can get worse when consuming popcorn. Even the smell of popcorn eruptions can trigger reactions in vulnerable individuals. As much as possible, those who have this allergic condition should avoid popcorn and leave the area when popcorn is being prepared.

In addition to the above risks, popcorn is cooked with unhealthy ingredients, such as saturated fat and salt. Popcorn which is often served in theaters often contains coconut oil which is high in saturated fats and is mostly salted before being consumed.


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Is it true that eating popcorn can cause appendicitis?
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