What You Need to Know Before Becoming an Asian Donor


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Every mother would want to give the best for her baby, one of them is by giving intensive breastfeeding since the baby is born. But unfortunately, not all mothers have the ability to produce milk that can meet the needs of the child. In fact, not infrequently, there are some mothers who claim to not be able to produce breast milk at all because of several health factors that do not support. Regarding these problems, donating ASI can be a solution.

What is ASI donor?

ASI donors are an alternative solution to help mothers who have difficulty producing ASI to support exclusive breastfeeding. These breastfeeding donors are given from mothers who experience excess milk supply to babies who need breast milk. For some people, breastfeeding donors may sound strange or disgusting. ASI donors can provide many benefits but it is also undeniable that they will be risky for babies if they are not treated wisely.

Who can donate breast milk?

Not all people who have excess milk production can donate breast milk. Because, there are several requirements that must be considered for mothers who will donate breast milk. Requirements are divided into 2, there are screening I and screening II.

Screening I

  • In good health and do not have breastfeeding problems
  • Donors have babies less than 6 months old
  • The donor has fulfilled the breastmilk intake for his own baby and decided to donate breast milk for reasons of excessive milk production
  • Did not receive blood transfusions or organ / tissue transplants in the last 12 months.
  • Do not consume alcoholic beverages, smoking, illegal drugs such as narcotics or legal including insulin, thyroid hormones, and products that can affect the baby.
  • There is no history of infectious diseases, such as HIV, hepatitis B or C, and HTLV2
  • Do not use silicone implants in the breast

Screening II

  • Donors must undergo screening including HIV testing, human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV), syphilis, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and CMV (if given to premature babies)
  • If there are doubts about donor status, the test can be done every 3 months
  • After going through the stages of screening, breast milk must be believed to be free of viruses or bacteria by pasteurization or heating

Is it safe to use breast milk from breast milk donors?

When deciding to do ASI donors, there are things that must be considered to ensure safety in conducting ASI donors, namely:

1. Meet standardization

Make sure again if the prospective donor has fulfilled the standard requirements in the health check that has been determined to do ASI donors. Thus the provision of breastfeeding donors must be adjusted to the health of donors that can affect the quality of donated breast milk.

2. Donor skills

Ensure that the prospective donor gets training on how to milk, store and maintain cleanliness so that the quality of breast milk can be maintained properly.

3. Do pasteurization

It is obligatory to do pasteurization or the heating process pretoria or flash heating which aims to turn off all viruses in the ASI of the donor's mother.

  • Pasteurization pretoria done by placing donor breast milk into a bottle. Then close the bottle tightly and place it in another container (it can be a basin or pan). Then pour boiling water into the container with the water level just above the breastmilk line in the bottle. Let stand for 30 minutes after cold, give to the baby or store in the refrigerator.
  • While flash heating done by boiling water in the pan along with the milk that has been put in the bottle. It's just that the water level poured into the container is slightly higher than the surface limit of the ASI. Make sure the water is really boiling until it bursts. After bursting, immediately move the container from water and heat sources. Cool the milk and give it to the baby or keep it in the refrigerator.

Consult an expert

Providing an ASI donor needs to be accompanied by a breastfeeding counselor so that the mother is able to find a solution regarding the difficulty of breastfeeding. With hope, later the mother will not need another ASI donor because she can breastfeed herself.

What You Need to Know Before Becoming an Asian Donor
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