Vitamin D Increases Opportunities for Success in Twice Baby Tubes


Medical Video: Take Vitamin D Everyday? This Will Make You Think Twice!

IVF program can be a solution for couples who do not get a baby after other methods may not work. Even so, there are many factors that can make IVF fail in the middle of the road. The good news, health experts believe that increasing vitamin D intake can increase the chances of successful IVF.

The chance for IVF is high if the mother has enough vitamin D needs

Vitamin D is generally associated with healthy bones and teeth. However, a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that "sun vitamin" can increase the success of IVF programs because it helps a woman's body produce better quality embryos and a higher success rate of implantation.

This conclusion was obtained after observing 154 women who were deficient in vitamin D and 181 women who had enough vitamin D levels. A group of women who have enough vitamin D are known to have opportunities successful pregnancy from the IVF program doubled than lacking. The analysis also showed that women with adequate vitamin D levels were successfully pregnant from the IVF programone third times more likely to have a live birth than women who lack. A woman is said to have enough vitamin D levels if she reaches a minimum of 20 ng / ml of blood.

The results of this study are actually not surprising. A number of animal studies have shown that vitamin D affects the fertility of many mammals. Vitamin D deficiency is thought to be one of the causes of the high risk of fertility problems and inhibits the function of reproductive organs. In humans, vitamin D deficiency has been shown to increase the risk of preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, low birth weight, and bacterial vaginosis infection.

More in-depth research is needed to find out the exact mechanism of how vitamin D can increase the chances of successful IVF. Even so, it is known that besides being produced in the skin, vitamin D receptors and enzymes are also found in the endometrium (lining of the uterine wall). Implantation of an embryo in the uterus is an important first step to guarantee a successful pregnancy. In order for the implantation process to succeed, the uterine lining must be firm enough to bear the course of the pregnancy before it can recognize and receive the embryo.

The best source of vitamin D and easily found

Vitamin D is one type of vitamin that is needed by pregnant women. Vitamin D helps build the foundation of skeletal bones and strong children's teeth since it is still in the womb. Research also proves that pregnant women who consume enough vitamin D later their children have a high IQ.

The best source of vitamin D is sunlight. Our skin will produce vitamin D itself so exposed to sunlight. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends you need to bask in the sun at leastJust 5 to 15 minutesfortwo to three times a week without using sunscreen to meet the body's vitamin D needs. Experts recommend that you "take a shower" of sunlight between 10am and 2pm.

Even so, getting vitamin D intake from food sources also remains important, especially for people whose daily activities dwell indoors and are rarely exposed to the sun. Some foods that contain vitamin D include fish that contain good fats (such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, and sardines), eggs, and red meat.

If needed, you can also get vitamin D intake from supplements or multivitamins. However, you should consult a doctor first before deciding to take a vitamin D supplement. The doctor will recommend what the right dose is. Because, excess vitamin D can also endanger your health.

Another way that can be done to increase the success of IVF

In addition to fulfilling vitamin D intake, adopting a healthy lifestyle and diet can help a successful IVF program. Expand to take the time to exercise outdoors and avoid smoking and drinking. Being overweight also maintains both of these bad habits can reduce your fertility and your partner.

Avoiding stress can also be the key to your IVF program's success. Because, one study published in Human Reproduction states that there is a relationship between high stress levels and infertility, although not a direct cause.

Vitamin D Increases Opportunities for Success in Twice Baby Tubes
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