Is It Really Not Wearing Panties That Are Healthier?


Medical Video: 17 Health Benefits and Facts of Sleeping Without Underwear । Sleeping naked

Underwear is something that is mandatory to wear. Before wearing clothes, underwear always wraps early. Even when going to bed, some people are reluctant to take off their underwear. While some others choose not to wear a cloth that binds their bodies. But, is it really even healthier if we don't use underwear?

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What are the health benefits of not using underwear?

Did you know that there are several advantages to not wearing underwear, both for men and women? The following is the explanation:

The advantage of not wearing underwear for women

According to Dr. Alyssa Dweck, obstetrician and gynecologist in Mount Kisco, New York and OB / GYN clinical lecturer at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York City, quoted by Live Science, does not need to be completely covered when she falls asleep. However, some women are reluctant to take risks and choose to sleep with their underwear.

According to Dweck, some women have the advantage of not wearing underwear, for example in women who suffer from chronic vulvitis (inflammation of the vaginal skin folds) or chronic vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina). Women with the disease are very susceptible to fungal infections, itching, and irritation, so it would be better for them to sleep without using underwear.

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You need to know that bacteria and fungi like to develop in a dark, warm and humid place. When women protect their private parts with cloth - especially cloth that does not absorb sweat - this will cause vaginal irritation. Besides that the vagina will be moist, this will be an easy target for fungi and bacteria to develop. Removing underwear when sleeping can be an effort to maintain the cleanliness of the genitals.

The rest, during the day, try to wear clothes that absorb air and sweat, for example cotton underwear. Initially, it might seem strange when there are no barriers that block your bottom. Discomfort, insecurity, and exposure will definitely be felt. But, your vagina also needs to breathe, try it several times a week to do it. It is also important to put your underwear next to your bed just in case there is an emergency situation, such as a fire or earthquake.

The advantage of not wearing underwear for men

Just like women, the penis also needs breathing. Not wearing underwear when sleeping can provide its own relief. According to Jamin Brahmbhatt, M.D., co-director of the PUR urology clinic in Clermont, Florida, revealed there were no medical reasons that would require you to wear underwear [at night and during the day]. For men there are no health benefits of using or not using underwear, according to Dr. Michael Eisenberg, urologist and head of male reproductive medicine and surgery at Stanford University Medical Center in Palo Alto, California, quoted by Live Science.

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Some researchers revealed that using tight pants can increase the temperature of the testicles, which can be associated with poor sperm quality. But, this is still a pro and contra, other studies reveal that no impact of the type of underwear used on fertility was found. Be grateful because men can also not wear panties during the day.

Tips before trying not to use underwear

How, want to try one or two days not wearing underwear? Here are some tips that you can try to stay safe without using underwear.

1. Petroleum jelly

Apply petroleum jelly to your thighs to avoid irritation due to direct friction on the clothes you wear.

2. Make sure your pants are clean

Mushrooms like a warm and moist place, so the penis can still sweat, even without using underwear. If you have fungus, your skin will be reddish, itchy, and have a ring-shaped rash. If you usually wash your pants after 4 times, then it's time to change to every two times. When you feel very sweaty, one usage may already require you to immediately put your pants on the laundry bed.

3. Carefully select the material and color of the pants

Use pants that can absorb air, but you also need to be careful about the light ones. Your bright ingredients provide a clear stain from sweat on your groin.

4. Don't try on clothes in the shop when you're not wearing underwear

Avoid trying pants in the locker room. This is done to avoid the spread of bacteria. Your groin is full of bacteria while sweating, so trying new pants will only add bacteria and spread them. Some of the bacteria can move to cloth according to Sarah Council, Ph.D., a microbiologist at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, Genomics & Microbiology Research Lab.

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Is It Really Not Wearing Panties That Are Healthier?
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