Want to get pregnant fast? Here's how to know when you are ovulating


Medical Video: Fertilization (Conception)

Are you pregnant? There are several things that affect a woman to get pregnant quickly or not. One that you and your partner can do is to know your ovulation. In several studies, it was mentioned that couples who had sexual relations when a woman's ovulation occurred, the chance for pregnancy to occur was quite high. Then what is ovulation? How do you know about ovulation?

What is ovulation?

Ovulation is one part of the menstrual or menstrual cycle process, where a woman's ovaries secrete mature eggs and are ready to fertilize sperm. Ovulation or also called fertile period, is a natural process that will occur in every woman - who is healthy, without any reproductive health problems - and is regulated by a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is responsible for producing female reproductive hormones, namely luteizining hormone (LH) and folicle-stmulating hormone (FSH).

In the process of ovulation, there are several steps you need to know, namely:

  1. Periovulaatori or follicular stage, is the stage where the layer of egg cells begins to be coated with mucus and prepares to move out towards the uterus. Meanwhile, the uterus has begun to be ready to receive eggs, so the walls of the uterus are thickened.
  2. Ovulation. At this stage, there is a special enzyme that belongs to the body which is responsible for forming a hole that makes it easy for the egg to move through the fallopian tubes - a channel that connects the ovaries to the uterus. Then, the ripe egg will enter the channel and pass it until it reaches the uterus. In this stage, fertilization usually occurs. Fertilization occurs in the fallopian tube and lasts around 24 to 48 hours.
  3. Postovulatory or luteal stages. If the egg has been fertilized by sperm, the egg will be planted directly on the uterine walls with the help of LH hormones. But if there is no conception at all when the egg is in the fallopian tube, the egg and the uterine wall that has thickened will decay. The uterine wall is full of blood vessels, so that if the wall decays blood will emerge from the vagina and that's when you experience menstruation.

Normally, a woman's menstrual cycle lasts around 28 to 32 days. The start of the cycle can be calculated from the first day of menstruation. Meanwhile, the stage of ovulation itself occurs when days 10 to 19 of the menstrual cycle occur.

How do you calculate ovulation?

There are several ways to find out and detect ovulation in a woman by:

1. Use the calendar that you have

Using a calendar is the easiest and you can do it yourself, even though the calculation is not always right. Then how do you do it?

  • Record your menstrual schedule every month by marking your calendar. Begin marking the first day of menstruation until the last day. Do this in a few months, so you know the pattern of your period. The more menstrual cycles you record, the more accurate your calculations will be.
  • If you already have data on your previous menstrual cycle, then look for the shortest menstrual cycle you have experienced. The menstrual cycle is calculated from the first day you experience menstruation and ends on the last day before you experience your next period.
  • Then the number of days the shortest menstrual cycle is reduced by eight. So if your shortest menstrual cycle is 26 days, then the ovulation period is the 8th day of the menstrual cycle (28 days - 18 = 8).

An easy way to find out when your fertile period and ovulation date is to useFertility Calculator the following, just click the image below:

2. Knowing when the vagina is slimy

Besides using the calendar, you can also find out your ovulation by checking the mucus released from the uterus through the vagina. The body secretes mucus so that the egg easily moves towards the uterus. You still have to use your calendar and notes to find out the time you have menstruation, the vagina becomes dry, or the vagina secretes sticky mucus and quite a lot. Note by marking your calendar in a few months. Then, look at the pattern that is formed, ovulation occurs when the mucus released by the vagina is quite a lot.

3. Knowing body temperature

You can use a thermometer and then measure your body temperature every day. When ovulation, the body temperature will also increase. Therefore, you can check your body temperature and then record it every day in a few months. Ideally, body temperature measurements are carried out 5 hours after or before waking up. If your body temperature rises in the next month, it is estimated that your ovulation is near.


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Want to get pregnant fast? Here's how to know when you are ovulating
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