Why Am I Still Difficult to Get Pregnant, Even though I Have Been Trying Again and Again?


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Almost every couple craves to have a baby. However, not all couples can get pregnant immediately after marriage. There are various things that make them, maybe you too, have to wait long. One in five couples will face fertility problems whose causes cannot be explained.

Why is it that I still have difficulty getting pregnant even though I have tried many times?

A hammer for an infertile diagnosis cannot be done carelessly. So when you consult about the problem of difficulty getting pregnant, the doctor will plan a series of physical examinations to be absolutely sure about your true condition.

There are several things that will be evaluated, namely:

  • Ovulation period women, whether they are regular or not
  • Reserve the eggs produced, seen from the results of evaluation of blood and or the number of follicles in the body.
  • There was no infertility problem in the uterine wall, evaluated by photocopy
  • Open and healthy fallopian tubes, can be evaluated with Hysterosalpingogra (HSG)
  • Results of analysis of sperm in semen of normal men (including in terms of numbers), sperm shape, and sperm motility)

If abnormalities are found in one of the results of the examination above, then that is what is strongly suspected as a contributing factor. For example, the results of male sperm analysis show that the sperm shape is abnormal and its motion is slow. This certainly can affect the success of conception. Or, after a woman's ovulation period is examined and the results of irregular periods, this can also affect women's fertility.

However, if all these things are checked and the results are fine, but you and your partner will still find it difficult to get pregnant, then the doctor can determine the diagnosis is infertile - although, once again the exact cause is uncertain.

Is it true that my cause is infertile is really impossible to ascertain?

Not so. Fertility problems are not something that suddenly happens for no reason. There must be a reason why you don't get pregnant after trying many times and all the test results are above normal, but there may not be a way to measure or evaluate the condition. This is what makes some cases of fertility problems very difficult to diagnose.

Here are some unexpected things that are strongly suspected that can make it difficult for couples to get pregnant:

Undiagnosed non-reproductive medical problems

A number of certain diseases that you or your partner may know but can be a risk factor why the causes of your fertility problems are difficult to explain. One of them is celiac disease which is not treated properly.

Various studies have found that people who have celiac disease are 2-6 times more likely to have difficulty conceiving than people who do not have it. Even so, it is not certain what a direct relationship between celiac disease and infertility is.

Interaction between the vaginal environment and the condition of incoming sperm

After ejaculation, sperm will go to the cervix. Furthermore, the sperm will swim from the vagina into the cervix and go straight into the uterus.

Well, sometimes, problems can occur in this phase. For example, there are antibodies in the cervical mucus that actually attack sperm. This ultimately causes fertilization is not possible. However, this condition also cannot be measured by an inspection method.

Poor egg quality

Different from the quality of sperm which can be measured by sperm analysis, the quality of the egg cannot be checked. Decreasing the quality of the egg may occur due to age, the presence of other medical conditions, or other unknown causes.

Bad sperm DNA

The shape, speed and amount of sperm can be checked. The better the shape, the faster the movement, and the greater number, the higher your chances of success in getting pregnant. The presence of one defect in these three factors can reduce the chances, although in most cases it is not so obvious.

However, there are other things actually in sperm that can also affect fertility, namely sperm DNA. Poor quality sperm DNA can affect male fertility. Unfortunately, this cannot be measured.

There is a problem in the uterine wall

After being examined, couples can have healthy cervical conditions, healthy eggs, good sperm conditions. All of these are ideal for creating pregnancy. However, it could be that the condition of the woman's womb is not supportive. Reporting from Verywell, a study found that the presence of a viral infection in the uterus can affect the smooth process of fertilization.

Can I still get a pregnancy at the heart?

Although the cause of you and your partner is difficult to get pregnant can not be explained exactly, does not mean you will not be able to get pregnant in the future and happen forever.

With regular consultations with doctors and changes in healthier lifestyles, some couples can successfully get pregnant without medical help.

Why Am I Still Difficult to Get Pregnant, Even though I Have Been Trying Again and Again?
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