Is Diarrhea During Young Pregnancy Dangerous to the Fetus?


Medical Video: Is it Normal to Have a Lot of Diarrhea While Pregnant?

Diarrhea during pregnancy is one of the problems commonly experienced by women starting from the first trimester. Pregnant women are said to have diarrhea when they experience three times a runny bowel movement in one day. So, what are the causes of diarrhea during pregnancy? Will this harm the fetus in the womb? Find the answer in the following review.

Causes of diarrhea during young pregnancy

chronic diarrhea

Experts reveal that diarrhea during pregnancy is a common condition. Usually, this is caused by:

1. Hormonal changes

Reporting from Livestrong, according to the Utah Department of Health, diarrhea during pregnancy is more caused by hormonal changes. Because the production of pregnancy hormones can slow down the digestive tract. That's why young pregnant women tend to experience diarrhea.

Although it is quite disturbing from the side of pregnant women, this hormonal change is actually beneficial to the fetus. Because, the slow digestive tract of pregnant women will facilitate the fetus when absorbing the nutrients needed. As a result, fetal growth becomes more maximal.

2. Changes in diet

Many women who make dietary changes are quite drastic when they know that they are pregnant. Usually, pregnant women will multiply eating vegetables and fruit to meet the daily fiber intake - also drink water to facilitate digestion.

Indeed, this is beneficial for fetal growth and development but on the other hand, sudden changes in diet can also "shock" the digestive system of pregnant women. This is why, pregnant women become susceptible to diarrhea in the first trimester.

In addition, pregnant women tend to be more sensitive to certain foods. It may be that the foods you have eaten often don't cause any symptoms, but eating them during pregnancy makes you sick with your stomach or diarrhea.

3. Vitamins for pregnancy

Taking prenatal vitamins during pregnancy is clearly very good for maintaining the health of the mother and baby in the womb. Because, prenatal vitamins contain iron, folate, and calcium needed to prevent baby defects and loss of bone density in pregnant women. But in fact, this vitamin can also provide side effects in the form of constipation and diarrhea.

Pregnant women are encouraged to stop taking prenatal vitamins for several days to relieve symptoms of diarrhea. Immediately consult a doctor for further treatment.

4. Parasitic or viral infections

According to Women 's Healthcare Topics, pregnant women are vulnerable to intestinal viruses or parasites during pregnancy. When a virus or intestinal parasite succeeds in entering and infecting the digestive organs, this is what causes diarrhea during pregnancy.

To determine the cause, immediately consult a doctor when you start experiencing diarrhea during pregnancy in the early trimester.

Is the problem of diarrhea when pregnant young dangerous for the fetus?

development of 2 weeks pregnancy

Diarrhea during pregnancy generally disappears on its own in a few days. Even though it seems trivial, this condition can turn out to be a serious problem if not treated as soon as possible.

Because, diarrhea that occurs continuously can make the volume of amniotic fluid decrease due to discharge during diarrhea. This can cause fetal development to be disrupted, even at risk of miscarriage.

Therefore, pregnant women are encouraged to drink water, fruit juice or broth to replace the electrolytes lost during diarrhea. Water can help replenish fluids lost during diarrhea, while drinking fruit juice can help increase potassium intake which is important for pregnant women. Meanwhile, broth water is useful for replenishing the required sodium intake.

If diarrhea during pregnancy does not go away, immediately consult a doctor. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics if diarrhea is caused by the presence of bacteria or parasites in the body of pregnant women. Whatever changes occur to you during pregnancy, be sure to always consult a doctor to maintain your obstetric health.

Is Diarrhea During Young Pregnancy Dangerous to the Fetus?
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