15 Cardio Sports for You Who Don't Run


Medical Video: See What Happens To Your Body If You Run 5 minutes Everyday

You want cardio, but it's hit by one dilemma: You don't like to run. Or cycling. Or use elliptical. No problem.

With so many choices of cardio movements, those of you who choose not to run won't have many problems finding a replacement cardio exercise that might be more in line with your wishes; all you have to do is open up to try out some new exercises.

We have compiled 15 alternative cardio exercises that you can mix without having to bother tightening the shoelaces.

1. Up and down stairs

Whether it's in your park, office, or apartment building, we're pretty sure there are stairs near you. Stairs are a great way to exercise the heart and lungs. You can climb fast, jump (squeeze one step), or sideways (lateral high knee). Do 3 reps up and down stairs to complete 1 set.

"When done correctly, going up and down stairs can provide cardio training challenging and strengthening the muscles of the lower body," said Jessica Matthews, MS, spokeswoman for the American Council on Exercise, reported by Prevention. Tip: Make sure not to rest on the hand grip when going up and down the stairs; this will help ease the weight of your feet, reduce the effects of this simple cardio.

2. Jump

Jumping is a good way to sweat profusely from cardio exercise without having to run around jogging tracks in city parks that are always crowded with users. Replace the classic rope jump movement with cross jack, which requires you to alternate arms and legs while jumping. Here's the guide:

  • Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and spread your hands to the side of your body with your palms facing down
  • Throw your body up while crossing your right hand over your left and right foot in front of your left foot. Jump to return to the starting position. Jump again with the opposite hand and foot position (now the left hand crosses over the right hand; the left leg crosses in front of the right foot. This counts as 1 set.
  • Continue to do side turns and repeat as many as 25 sets.
  • Be sure to keep your jumping speed and don't allow too long breaks between jumps

An easier alternative: a small jump (no need to jump higher than 5 cm) while resting your toes and pushing your body up with the heel of your foot, just like you are jumping a rope.

3. Burpees

Burpees really make your heart run fast. Check out this brief tutorial:

  • Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and spread your arms up with your palm facing forward
  • Throw your body up as high as you can while breathing
  • Landed in a controlled manner, change the position to half squatting curled (arms stretched straight to support the ground)
  • Push your foot straight back; now plank body position
  • Do one pushup, keep your elbows close to your body for triceps
  • Return your legs to the front, now position again half squat and prepare yourself to jump
  • Continue to repeat the cycle until you complete 10-20 reps of the burpees

4. Circle Hop Squat

Do this:

  • Stand wide distance feet with fingers slightly to the outside of the body
  • By puffing out the chest, lower the upper body position to squat and touch the surface of the ground with arms outstretched
  • Press the body down to get ready to jump up, rotate to the left 180 degrees while in the air; at the same time, swing your hands above your body from right to left. Landing slowly in a squatting position, both hands straight back resting on the ground
  • Repeat jump by changing the hand swing position (now from left to right). Continue to do squats changing sides, 2-3 sets with 10 reps per set.

5. Swim

Do a few times swimming rounds with your usual style. Swimming is a sport that involves the movement of the whole body with countless benefits, including breathing exercises that are more efficient (optimizing lung capacity), increasing muscle strength and flexibility, and increasing bone density.

Or, modify the level of difficulty by jogging in the water. Aqua jogging is an amazing heart and lung exercise without having to harm the muscles and joints of the body, thus providing the same cardio benefits without the risk of the same injury from running on land.

6. Skaters

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and knees slightly bent. Jump to the right with your right foot, land lightly on the heel of your right foot and swing your left foot behind your right foot. Don't put weight on your left leg if you are able to do it. Immediately jump to the left with the left foot, which allows the right foot to "drag" behind the left foot. Continue alternating sides for 30 to 60 seconds.

7. Mountain Climber Twist

Starting from the high plank position (legs stretched straight above the ground, both hands resting on the ground also stretched straight) while tightening the abdominal muscles. Bend your left knee and cross it to the right in the body (the position of the foot like running) to the right elbow. Then change positions, cross your right knee to the left in the body.

Perform alternately as quickly as possible without lifting the hips, for 30 to 60 seconds. Tips to make it easier for you: "Running" the front knee leads to the chest rather than crossing it.

8. Long Jump With Jog Back

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and knees slightly bent. Swing your arms back and bend a little deeper, then swing your arms forward while jumping as far as possible with both feet, landing softly on your heels. Now, jog backwards as quickly as possible to the starting position and repeat. Continue to do it for 30 to 60 seconds.

9. Jumping Lunges

With your chest and chin raised and abdominal muscles tight, take a big step forward with your right foot. Immerse the upper body straight down so that your right front knee is aligned above your shoes and your left knee is "floating" in the air facing the floor; now the position of each knee is bent 90 degrees. Now jump, change the foot in the middle of the jump so you land with your left foot in front of your right foot and immediately lower your body back to the initial lunge position. Continue to do it for 30 to 60 seconds.

10. Inchworm

Stand with feet hip-width apart and tight abdominal muscles. Bend down from the waist, and move hands forward. Keep your feet straight. When you arrive at a high plank position, quickly move your legs back toward your feet and stand up. Continue to do it for 30 to 60 seconds.

Increase the intensity by doing pushup while in a plank position.

11. Plank-to-Knee Tap

From a high plank position while tightening your abdominal muscles, lower your back and lift your hips up while raising your right hand to touch the shin of your left foot (or left ankle, if you are very flexible). Return to the initial high plank position and repeat for the left hand to touch the right leg shin. Continue to take turns as quickly as possible while still maintaining the perfect plank position, for 30-60 seconds.

12. Runner skip

With your chest and chin raised and abdominal muscles tight, take a big step forward with your right foot. Immerse the upper body straight down so that your right front knee is right at the top of your shoe (forming 90 degrees) and stretch your left knee back "floating" in the air almost touching the floor. Position your fingers to touch the floor for balance. In one smooth motion, lift your left leg forward and, while you are resting on your right foot, lift your left leg up and towards your chest and jump on your right foot. Landing with your right foot and immediately launching your left leg back to return to the starting position. Repeat one side for 30 seconds, then replace the foot position and complete the remaining 30 seconds.

13. Fast Feet Shuffle

Open your legs wider than your hips, bend your knees slightly, push your hips back, and tighten your abdominal muscles. Drag the foot to the right in 4 steps (or as much space as you have), then drag it back in the opposite direction. Keep your body low and move your feet as fast as possible to get the most out of this exercise.

14. Tuck Jump

Stand with your knees slightly bent and jump up, bring your knees to your chest and stretch your arms straight in front of your chest. Lower your arms while you land lightly on the floor. Continue to do it for 30 to 60 seconds.

15. Step up

You need a chair or bench that is crowed before starting this movement. Place your right foot on the bench and, using your buttocks, push your body up so that your legs are straight and your left foot is lifted from the ground. Slowly lower the body while allowing the left leg to move along the ground and then the right foot. Repeat, focusing on using only the right buttock muscle (don't push up with the left foot). Continue to do it for 30 to 60 seconds.

Here's how to start your own cardio training:

1. Choose 4-5 exercises from the list of choices above

2. Perform the first exercise for 1-2 minutes in low intensity, then rest for 30 seconds, and change to the next exercise

3. For each medium intensity exercise, increase the intensity of your exercise for the next exercise. Change from low to higher intensity for each set of exercises

4. When you complete a series of 4-5 exercises of your choice, this is called a round. Repeat from the beginning for a total of 3-5 rounds to complete one cycle by resting 1 minute between rounds. (Except swimming. You can do one cardio cycle which only consists of swimming several times without having to change to another exercise)

This intense exercise is effective in burning up to 700 calories for one cycle. What's more, you can do all these exercises anytime and anywhere.

Happy cardio on the spot!


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15 Cardio Sports for You Who Don't Run
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