6 Mistakes to Avoid When Doing Sports Bootcamp


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Bootcamp is a sport that combines a series of exercises such as push-ups, lunges, and squats by running, jumping, and other high-intensity aerobic movements. This one sport is adapted from military exercises that are useful for training strength, endurance and agility. Before you start, it's a good idea to find out about various mistakes during sports bootcamp. That way, you can avoid it and get the maximum benefit from this one sport.

Register an error while bootcamp

excessive exercise

The following are various mistakes that need to be avoided when doing sports bootcamp, that is:

1. Don't eat before exercise

Bootcamp including heavy exercise that drains energy. You also need enough food to prepare for exercise. When you haven't eaten or may not eat enough and proper food, exercise will be hampered.

Your movements become slower, can't follow directionsbootcamp appropriately, so that finally the calories burned are very little.

2. Do movement very quickly

In this one sport, you are asked to do a certain movement in a period of time that has been determined in each movement. The goal is to do each repetition of the exercises that are properly instructed.

However, not because each movement is limited in time and then you rush to use time with very fast movements. This can actually make you injured and cause chronic wounds.

3. Ignore instructor's direction

The instructor or coach helps and guides you in sports bootcamp that you are living. The goal, in addition to making sure you make the right moves also to minimize you from the possibility of injury. Unfortunately, sometimes some people feel engrossed themselves and feel they can, so ignore the instructions from the instructor.

In fact, the presence of instructors in each exercise is not to confuse the practice, but rather to help you.

4. Do not request special training

In an exercise program, there are usually various movements outside the main movement that can be adjusted to perfect the movement or improve certain skills. Ask for this special movement in the training instructor when he is not giving it.

The reason is that exercise will not be effective if you have physical limitations and a history of injury but only keep quiet without notifying the instructor bootcamp.

5. Play in a safe zone

If you have tried this one sport for months, then it's time for you to challenge yourself. Usually a good instructor will pay attention to your progress in each training session and provide extra training that you have never tried before.

However, if your instructor turns out to forget to add to the training load, don't keep quiet and continue the exercise in the same way. This is done so that the exercise you do becomes more effective and gets maximum results.

6. Don't stretch

Sports bootcamp, moreover, involving high intensity exercise will usually increase your heart rate and make the muscles work harder. Therefore, when the exercise is complete try to do various stretches to restore the body's condition. Do not go straight out and rush to change clothes before you stretch.

6 Mistakes to Avoid When Doing Sports Bootcamp
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