7 Tips For Preventing Injuries While Exercising


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Exercise is good for health and fitness. However, if you are not focused or not careful in doing so, an injury can occur. For that, consider important tips to prevent injury during the following sports.

Why can you get an injury while exercising?

Reporting from Web MD, Gerald Varlotta, director of the Sports Rehabilitation division at New York University's Hospital, said there are a number of things that make a person vulnerable to injury when exercising.

The most common thing is because you exercise too often without pause and overload the body beyond its tolerance limits. Mistakes on how to practice movement, wrong posture (eg when running or landing from a jump), and choosing the type of exercise that is not in accordance with physical conditions are also a number of other contributing factors from injury during exercise.

According to Medline Plus, there are several other factors that make you risk injury while exercising, namely:

  • Do not warm up before exercise and cool down afterwards
  • Does not give a break to rest in a sports session
  • Not using the right equipment
  • Forcing exercise when not fit

Tips to prevent injuries while exercising

1. Choose the right type of exercise

One of the best ways to avoid injury is to know the condition of your body. Even age becomes a consideration to determine the sport that suits your condition. Because the choice of various types of sports for athletic young people is certainly different from the choice of exercise for the elderly.

In general, regardless of your age if you are just about to start exercising, try from the light ones, such as walking, swimming, cycling, jogging, or aerobics. But if you have a weak wrist, of course lifting weights is not the right choice.

Kenneth Plancher, professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, recommends that you first recognize the weakest areas of your body, and avoid activities that can put pressure on the area.

It's best if you have a certain condition or disease, consult your doctor first before starting exercise. Your doctor can give you sports advice that is suitable for you to do and referrals to do it safely.

2. Use the right sports equipment

sports injury
source: https://greatist.com/sites/default/files/running_injuries_0.jpg

Each type of sport has different equipment. Make sure your sports shoes match the type of exercise you are doing. The example is this: even though you are playing football, soccer shoes and futsal shoes have different functions and characteristics. Different types of running, the type of running shoes used are different. If you intend to lift weight for the first time, first measure how much the weight is ideal so as not to cause injury.

Also adjust the size of the helmet, protective goggles, elbow protector and knee pads to follow your body shape. Make sure your sports support equipment is still in good condition, and you understand correctly how to use it properly.

3. Warm up and cool down

Warming up before exercise makes your blood flow smoothly and relaxes your body's muscles. If you are going to run, a simple warm-up example is to spin the ankle. Then, do the brisk walk for five to 10 minutes. When you're done, don't forget to cool down to normalize your muscles and body.

4. Don't overdo it

When doing exercise, your body needs to rest. Likewise with the settings when you exercise; how intense and how long it takes. Your body has worked every day, it's good if your exercise routine is varied.

For example, the first week of running for three times a week. Do not forget the intervals of the day so that your body has the opportunity to recover and prevent fatigue. For example, run every Monday, Thursday and Sunday. Over time if you start getting used to it, you can add to the duration (for example, from 15 minutes to 30 minutes) and the frequency (eg from 3 times a week to four times).

Also vary the type of exercise so that you have the opportunity to train different muscle groups, so that your physical fitness is more maximal. For example, this week focus on running. Next week yoga, then swimming. Every time you finish exercising, make sure you also take a break.

5. Sufficient drinking needs

Wherever your sport is, in an air-conditioned gym or field bathed in the heat of the sun, always ready to drink bottles. This is useful for preventing dehydration which can reduce your focus, and cause injury.

If your exercise intensity is high for more than one hour, also provide an isotonic drink so you don't get tired and stay fit. Isotonic drinks can replace lost body electrolytes.

6. Get guidance from experts

Especially if you are a beginner, you should ask for guidance from someone who is more expert or get a professional personal trainer. This even remains important if you already know and learn the basic techniques.

Supervision of experts can prevent injuries while exercising, because they can justify a messy posture and guide how to use sports equipment to be more effective.

7. Contact a doctor

If you experience dizziness, chest pain, abnormal breathing, or even fainting, contact your doctor immediately to get immediate treatment.

7 Tips For Preventing Injuries While Exercising
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