Pregnancy Development on Week 13


Medical Video: 13 Weeks Pregnant – Symptoms of Pregnancy and Baby Development Guidelines Week by Week

Embryo growth

How is the fetus developing 13 weeks into my pregnancy?

During the development of the fetus 13 weeks of pregnancy, your fetus is about 7 cm long (from head to foot). While the weight of the fetus has reached 30 grams.

When entering the 4th or 13th week of pregnancy, placenta You have developed and served as a supplier of oxygen, nutrition, and processing of baby feces. The placenta also produces the hormones progesterone and estrogen which help maintain pregnancy.

During the development of the fetus 13 weeks of pregnancy, the eyes of the fetus can also be open and closed to protect the eyes. The fetus in the womb can put the thumb in its mouth, even though the sucking muscle is still not fully developed.

Changes in the Body

What are the changes in the body of pregnant women in the 13th week of pregnancy?

On examination at week 13, the doctor may provide nutritional supplements and vitamins for pregnancy. Eating healthy foods will ensure that the unborn baby is equipped with the necessary vitamins and minerals, such as folic acid, zinc, iron, and calcium for growth and development.

Please consult with your doctor to determine the best way to consume vitamins, such as drinking while eating or drinking together with certain types of drinks.

Maintain a pregnancy that runs 13 weeks

There are several things that must be considered during the development of the fetus 13 this week. Remember the tips below during pregnancy if you want to continue your exercise routine like before pregnancy, or start a new exercise habit:

  • Maintain the intensity of exercise by paying attention to how strong your breath is when talking between sports.
  • Reduce the intensity of exercise or take a break if you start feeling short of breath, fatigue, and dizziness.
  • Note, the longer the pregnancy, the more heavy your baby will be. So, exercising during pregnancy will cause a heavy burden. Be careful when exercising, ask to accompany your husband or friend while exercising.
  • In addition, you should also discuss regular exercise with your doctor if you have any discomfort, pain, or other severe fatigue.

Visit to Doctor / Midwife

What do I need to discuss with the doctor on week 13?

In the development of the fetus 13 weeks of pregnancy, you will likely feel shortness of breath. Mild shortness of breath will only make you feel uncomfortable and will not affect the supply of oxygen to the baby. But if you experience difficulty breathing, your lips or fingers appear bluish, or you have chest pain and a fast abnormal pulse, please consult a doctor immediately.

Tests that may be needed at gestational age 13 Sunday

Depending on your doctor and your specific needs, the doctor may carry out the following tests and checks:

  • Measuring body weight and blood pressure
  • Check sugar and protein in urine
  • Check fetal heart rate
  • Check the size of the uterus with external palpation
  • Measure the length from the bottom to the uterus
  • Check that your hands and feet have swollen veins or varicose veins

Tell your doctor about your symptoms, especially unusual symptoms.

If you have a question or problem that you want to discuss, make a note so you don't forget to ask about it during the consultation.

Health and Safety

What do I need to know to maintain health and safety during pregnancy?

1. Exercise

When your heart rate is more than 140 beats per minute during exercise, you may worry that something is wrong. The best way to keep regular exercise during pregnancy safe and effective is to listen to your body's response.

Your heart rate will react very differently when exercising, so instead of observing your heart rate, use a more objective and accurate assessment. The goal is to keep your exercise intensity at a moderate level, but it still challenges the body's endurance.

You have to exercise at a level that does not leave you out of breath while talking. If you feel short of breath, this is a signal for you to reduce the intensity of exercise and rest. This method allows all women of various body weights to exercise at a safe level without endangering the health of the mother and baby.

2. Caffeine

Don't eat too much chocolate, because chocolate contains caffeine. Although there is no evidence to find out the amount of caffeine that will endanger pregnant women, it is better for pregnant women to limit eating chocolate.

Another reason why you should avoid it chocolate is because these foods can dominate the healthy food you consume, make you consume too many calories and cause excessive maternal and fetal weight gain.

So next week what kind of fetus will it grow?

Pregnancy Development on Week 13
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