8 Minutes Morning Yoga to Tighten the Stomach Muscles


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Waking up in the morning, I continued to take a shower. Eits, maybe before taking a shower you have 8 minutes to start the day with a short yoga practice that is good for your abdomen or abdominal muscles? As long as it is routinely and consistently trained, these 4 yoga poses can help you tighten your abdominal muscles, so you can have a leaner stomach and stronger muscles. Let's start!

First 30 seconds - Warrior pose 3

This pose is very good besides to tighten your abdominal muscles, it also helps strengthen the muscles of the feet, ankles, and hips, while increasing focus and balance.

warrior pose 3


  • Take your body to a standing position with both feet together, then bring your palms together in front of your chest.
  • Bring your upper body forward and lift one of your legs, align your legs with your front body.
  • Aim at one point to help balance your body, activate your abdominal muscles so that the position is more stable.
  • Extend your hands in front, and always breathe long from the nose, then hold this position for 30 seconds.

Second 30 seconds - High Plank pose

This pose is very good for your abdominal muscles and also strengthens the arm muscles, helps reduce back pain, both to improve overall posture.
high plank


  • From the Warrior 3 position, bring both palms to touch mat and lower your legs so they are on mat.
  • Straighten your arms, aim forward, make sure your hips are not higher than your upper body, bring your heels pressed down in the direction mat.
  • Extend your breath and hold your body in the High plank position for 30 seconds.

Third 30 seconds - Side Plank Pose

This pose is very good for your abdomen and also strengthens the arm muscles, wrists and strengthens the pelvis / hips. It is also good for improving balance and focus.

side plank


  • From the High Plank position, lift one of your palms and open your body to the side (right or left).
  • Then press your foot on mat from the foot at the bottom and place the other foot just above the foot. When you stabilize your feet, place one hand at your waist for balance.
  • Once balanced, raise your hands from the waist up, point your eyes up at your fingers and hold this position for 30 seconds.
  • Make sure to always breathe long from the nose.

Fourth 30 seconds - Boat Pose

This position is very good for body balance, hamstrings, strengthening the spine, and pelvis. Not only that, this pose is also good for digestive, kidney and intestinal stimulation.

boat pose


  • From Side Plank, bring your body to a sitting position and bend your knees and bring your knees to your chest.
  • Then lift both feet and point forward, prepare your abdominal muscles and straighten your chest, avoid tense the neck muscles open the chest.
  • Point both arms forward to help balance and slowly align the legs up in a diagonal position.
  • Aim ahead and always breathe long, and hold your body for 30 seconds.

See the results after 45 days

The total time of the 4 poses above is 2 minutes, you can rest in position child pose in each pause or directly from one pose to another. Then repeat as many as 4 rounds so the total is 8 minutes long. Do it regularly every morning to tighten the abdominal muscles, and feel the benefits at least after doing at least 45 days. It's easy, right?

yoga tightens the abdominal muscles

Don't hesitate for sharing your experience directly with me via Instagram @diansonnerstedt. I'm waiting, huh!

8 Minutes Morning Yoga to Tighten the Stomach Muscles
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