Actually Healthy Sports For Skin Or Even Brings Problems?


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Everyone knows that exercise nourishes the body and keeps weight under control. However, not many people know how exercise can affect a person's skin condition. Come on, find out what are the good and bad effects of exercise for your skin below.

Various effects of exercise on the condition of your skin

Want to have healthy skin? Not enough if you only do maintenance or limit sun exposure. Routine exercise can also be one of the skin care efforts, you know. Unfortunately, even though exercise can be healthy, for some people there is an adverse effect on the condition of the skin.

It is clearer about the effects of exercise on the skin, see the explanation below.

1. Make skin glow

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The more you move actively, the heart rate also becomes faster. Increasing heart activity makes blood vessels start pumping more blood throughout the body.

Increased blood circulation makes all parts of the body, including the skin, get oxygen and nutrients. Fulfillment of nutritional and oxygen needs on the skin certainly makes your face look brighter.

2. Can reduce acne, can also make it worse

scrub for acne

Many complain of pimples that continue to grow on the skin. In addition to disturbing appearance, acne can also cause pain. The condition of acne will get worse if it is not immediately treated properly. For example, if you do not manage stress that hit.

The sebaceous gland (oil) which is responsible for producing oil in the skin can produce more oil than is needed because of stress. Oily skin can clog pores and cause acne.

Sport has been recognized as a way to reduce stress. When the body does physical activity, the body produces the hormone dopamine so that the mood gets better. If stress can be overcome, it means that the growth of acne can also be reduced, right?

Unfortunately, not everyone can get this benefit from sports. There are also those with more severe acne after exercise. How come?

Actually it's not the sport itself which causes acne to get worse. The cause is bad habits before and after exercise. For example, do not immediately rinse the body and face after exercise or do not remove makeup before exercise. This can clog the pores and cause more fertile acne.

3. Dandruff gets worse

lice and dandruff

Exercise not only affects the facial skin, but also the scalp. If you exercise regularly, but rarely shampoo, dandruff gets worse.

Exercise makes the scalp sweat, if not cleaned, the condition of the scalp becomes moist and oily. As a result, the fungus that grows becomes more active to peel off the scalp.

4. Exercise can worsen certain skin conditions

dangerous skin disease

Reporting from the Self page, Dr. Rajani Katta, a skin specialist from the University of Texas Houston McGovern Medical School, explained, "Temperatures that are too hot and the body that sweats a lot during exercise can irritate sensitive skin."

The trigger for rosacea is an increase in body temperature. Rosacea is a long-term skin disease that can make skin reddish, pimple, and skin thickens. When exercising, body temperature can increase and symptoms of rosacea can appear.

Not only rosacea, people with prickly heat or eczema can also get worse after exercise. Don't worry, you can still exercise comfortably. For example, choosing to run in a room with a treadmill. In addition to avoiding the sun's heat, the room temperature can also be set cooler with a fan or air conditioner.

Actually Healthy Sports For Skin Or Even Brings Problems?
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