Are you Lazy Sports? Can Be a Default Birth


Medical Video: The Science of Laziness

Are you one of the people who immediately lazy to continue reading when they see the word "sport"? Or maybe you have been desperately motivating yourself to start physical activity and exercise, but laziness always wins? This means you are lazy to exercise. But did you know that maybe you were born like this? Apparently, genetic factors can be a scapegoat for this laziness.

The importance of sports

Sports is one of the keys to running a healthy lifestyle. If you want a healthy body, free from various degenerative diseases, and stay young, you cannot just rely on food but doing sports is also very important. Even,The World Health Organization states that not doing regular exercise and sedentary lifestyle is the fourth cause that causes high mortality rates in the world.

Globally, it is known that 6% of deaths in the world are caused by the habit of not exercising and lack of physical activity. Not only that, rarely doing physical activity is also estimated to be the cause of 21-25% of cases of breast cancer and colon cancer, 27% of cases of type 2 diabetes, and 30% of cases of heart failure. Whereas in Indonesia itself, from the Ministry of Health data it is known that the proportion of physical activity from the total population of Indonesia only reaches 26.1%. This of course is still very low.

Are you among those who are lazy to exercise? Maybe you often reason not to exercise because you don't have the time or schedule that is already very busy. But is that true? Or is it just your reason? Even though I already know that exercise is important to do, there are still people who are lazy and don't like to exercise. While some other people may really like sports until he always takes the time to exercise every day. Apparently, a new study states that whether you like it or not in sports can be influenced by genetics. How can?

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Research on genetic influences on lazy exercise

This research was conducted by the American Physiological Society and involved a group of people to see their lifestyle and how often they exercise. Then the researchers asked the respondents to exercise regularly. However, from the recommendations given, only 25% of them made the recommendations regularly and correctly. The rest, spend their free time with other things they like.

This was also proven by research conducted in 2013 and the researchers conducted experiments on mice. In this experiment it was found that there were two groups of mice. The first group had high and active levels of serotonin and dopamine, while the other group of mice had a low amount of serotonin and dopamine and tended to be lazy and not as active as the other group of mice. Then the researchers stated that this could be due to differences in the genes of each group.

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When exercising, the body produces serotonin and dopamine

Actually, when you do exercise, the body automatically secretes serotonin and dopamine. Serotonin is a hormone to regulate stress levels, increase comfort in the body, and increase pleasure. Almost all sports can make the body produce serotonin hormones, especially cardiac exercise. While dopamine is a neurotransmitter substance in the nervous system that functions as an intermediary between nerve cells.

In addition, dopamine is also considered a substance that can improve mood, make pleasure increase, and cause runner high. Runner's high is a condition where you will feel very happy and have your own satisfaction when doing sports.

Everyone will produce both of these substances if they do exercise and that is normal. However, what distinguishes each individual is how much the body produces both of these substances when exercising. Everyone has different genes and physiology, so the hormones and neurotransmitter substances produced by each person are different, even though they do the same type of exercise and duration.

What if I really am born with a lazy gene of sports?

Although some studies have stated that genetics is related to likes and dislikes to exercise, it cannot be a strong reason for you not to do it at all. Still, a person's lifestyle and habits are influenced by genetics and the environment, so you can try to like sports even if your genetics say they don't. Exercise is a very important thing to do to prevent various bad things for the health of the body.

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Are you Lazy Sports? Can Be a Default Birth
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