6 Questions During Pregnancy that You Might Be Shy Ask Your Doctor


Medical Video: 14 Period Questions You’re Too Shy to Ask Your Doctor

Naturally, pregnant women have many questions, especially when they are approaching the day of delivery. But unfortunately, there are many questions that often fail to ask pregnant women. Why? Because there are some problems for pregnant women who might be too "embarrassing" to ask a doctor, when in fact this is a normal problem that occurs in many pregnant women.

What are these questions? We try to answer it here.

The problem of pregnant women is often considered shameful

1. Why do I remove a lot of fluid from the vagina?

The discharge from the vagina can be caused by a ruptured condition of the membranes. But in conditions other than that, doctors can also say that discharge from the vagina during pregnancy is normal. This is because pregnant women experience significant hormonal changes, plus increased blood flow to the pelvis.

The condition to worry about is if the discharge is accompanied by pain, itching, or pain. Also be aware if it smells bad or is very runny. This may indicate an infection in the female area.

2. Why do I often fart smelly, and have difficulty defecating?

This problem of pregnant women is normal, as the digestive system decreases the efficiency of your pregnancy. And again, hormonal changes are at the root of the problem.

About 85 percent of pregnant women experience discomfort morning sickness or nausea and vomiting, and bloating early in pregnancy. If left without treatment, the condition that gradually becomes gastric acid reflux can later become indigestion, causing you to have difficulty constipation and farting.

To relieve constipation, make sure you drink plenty of water, eat foods rich in fiber, vegetables and fruits. Pregnant women can also use stool softeners as recommended by the doctor if necessary.

3. Am I too fat?

The next problem for pregnant women is being overweight. For some pregnant women, this question may feel sensitive so it is reluctant to ask a doctor. In fact, this topic is important to discuss because weight is an important aspect for maternal and fetal health. Therefore, do not be shy to consult with a doctor about what ideal weight you should achieve during pregnancy, and how to overcome it if your weight is still lacking or even more.

4. What if my husband is afraid of having sex during my pregnancy?

Having sex is a real fear for a husband when his wife is pregnant. Maybe husbands think that having sex can hurt the baby. Consult your obstetrician about when you can have sex and whether your womb has certain risks so it is necessary to fast sex.

If your doctor says it's safe to have sex, try convincing your husband many times that sex won't hurt you and your baby.

5. Will giving birth damage the vagina?

Of course not. Don't worry about the size of your vagina because the vagina is created with a flexible power that can adjust during labor, then contract back to its normal size. To help strengthen vaginal muscles, you can do Kegel exercises 4-5 times a day after giving birth.

Kegel exercises are relatively easy to do, how to contract the pelvic muscles as if they were holding urine for several seconds, then relax it again. Do ten sets each time.

6. Will I defecate in bed while giving birth?

If your intestine is full, you could accidentally defecate when you push the baby out. This is because the large intestine is located under the uterus and when straining can have an effect on suppressing the intestine and anus.

However, do not worry about defecation, because this is normal in many mothers who give birth. Doctors and midwives are also used to dealing with it. Focus on your baby. Remember that people in the delivery room are here to support and help you. In addition, medical professionals have an awareness of privacy and patients, so you don't need to be shy.

6 Questions During Pregnancy that You Might Be Shy Ask Your Doctor
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