Different Types of Sports that are Recommended during Fasting


Medical Video: 5 Intermittent Fasting Tricks to Burn Fat Faster

Surely you feel very lazy to exercise while fasting, because the body feels weaker than usual. But is it okay if you don't do a full month of exercise? Then what needs to be considered during exercise when fasting?

Do I have to exercise when fasting?

It is very natural if you feel weak and lethargic when you are fasting. This is certainly due to reduced food intake into the body. Fasting requires you to hold hunger and thirst for 12 hours, allowing you to feel tired during the day.

But can this be used as an excuse for just lazing around at home? Of course not, even though you are fasting, you have to do physical activity and exercise. Some studies even state that not exercising for a full month, can reduce muscle strength and make someone not fit.

Basically, exercise has become a necessity of life - such as eating or drinking only - which must be lived so that the body stays healthy and fit. Therefore, you still have to do sports even though you are fasting. However, you must pay attention to the type and time of exercise when fasting, because it will affect the body's resistance during the service.

The right type of exercise is done when undergoing fasting

There are still many types of exercise that you can do when fasting, which obviously avoid sports that have high intensity (high impact) because it will make the body lose a lot of energy in a fast time. When fasting, you can do sports that are light to moderate in intensity, such as:

  • Swim
  • Leisurely walk
  • Yoga
  • Tai chi
  • Cycling

While examples of exercise that you should avoid when undergoing fasting are:

  • Aerobics
  • Jogging
  • Soccer
  • Tennis

Actually, you can still do heavy intensity exercise, but it's better to do it when you break your fast and your body has enough provisions to produce energy.

do not like to sweat

When is the right time for exercise during fasting?

Unlike the usual days, when exercising in the fasting month is quite limited. Of course you are not recommended to exercise in broad daylight, because the risk for dehydration is very high.

Therefore, you must set and know the right time to exercise while fasting, so as not to interfere with bodily functions. Some of the time you can use to exercise in the fasting month is:

  • Morning. at this time you still have enough energy to do activities, including exercise. Although it is a disadvantage if you do exercise in the morning, you will feel tired when doing the next exercise.
  • Afternoon. The opposite of exercising in the morning, in the afternoon - around one or two hours before breaking time - is a time of 'crisis' where the body usually feels weak due to having hunger all day. But fortunately, you can immediately replace the energy wasted when you break your fast.

This goes back to the needs and schedules of each person's activities. If you are afraid of fatigue, you can just divide your exercise time during fasting in the morning and evening, with a duration that is not too long.

In addition, adjust also the type of exercise that will be carried out with the time of the sport. For example, you want to exercise in the morning, then choose a sport that is not so tiring as walking relaxed or yoga. Whereas if you exercise in the afternoon, you can do sports of higher intensity, such as swimming or cycling.

Different Types of Sports that are Recommended during Fasting
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