Don't be lazy, these are the 7 signs that appear if you rarely exercise


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Sports is a necessity. If you don't meet this need, the body will ask for it yourself. The body will provide various types of signs so that you immediately move. If it's like this, you shouldn't ignore it anymore. What are the signs that you lack exercise? This is the review.

7 signs of a lack of exercise in the body

1. Always tired

chronic fatigue syndrome

If you feel tired all the time, even if you have enough food and sleep, maybe all you need is exercise.

Feeling always tired, why do you need exercise? What is not wrong? Calm down first. A study from the University of Georgia shows that only walking 20 minutes and moderate intensity aerobic exercise 3 times a week with routine can increase energy by up to 20 percent.

The researchers say, these findings indicate that regular exercise will have a direct effect on the central nervous system to combat fatigue and even as much as 65 percent

Regular exercise improves the function of the cardiovascular system, which allows you to have greater endurance throughout the day. When you are easier to do daily activities, you will have more energy left over and not easily feel tired.

As it turns out, the more often you exercise, the more mitochondria (parts that produce energy in cells). This means that the body will have more energy reserves as well, so it doesn't get tired quickly.

2. The body feels sore

neck pain

Have you ever felt when you wake up in the morning, suddenly your back, knees, or shoulders hurt? Even though you don't run out of heavy activity. Well if yes, this can also be a sign that you lack exercise.

Sometimes this feeling makes people delay to exercise. Whereas on the contrary, when this happens the body gives a signal to be moved.

By moving the muscles, the joints relax and the blood flows more smoothly to all parts of the body, thereby reducing pain.

Even people who have long-term aches and pains such as rheumatoid arthritis, can relieve the symptoms that are felt when doing regular exercise.

3. Feeling stressful insistently

stress results in psoriasis

Have you been feeling stressed lately? Think of many things, worry, fear of this or that? Be careful this can also be a sign your body really needs exercise.

By exercising, you will feel more calm and happy. Exercise increases endorphins in the body. Endorphins are natural hormones that will have the effect of feeling happy and calm.

So, after exercise your mood will be much better because of the hormone.

4. Never feel full

food that makes you hungry

Maybe you think by not exercising your body will save energy so you don't get hungry easily, just the opposite. When you feel hungry, this can be a sign that you lack exercise.

So, when you lack exercise, your body will feel tired. Well, a tired body can actually produce more of the hormone ghrelin (a hormone that regulates hunger sensors). The amount of this hormone causes you to want to eat more throughout the day.

Exercise is a good appetite suppressant. People who exercise regularly will be able to control these hormones better, so that the feeling of hunger is maintained.

5. Constipation or constipation

the cause of constipation, the intestine is too long

Do you often experience constipation or constipation? It could be a sign that you are also not exercising, not just eating less fibrous food. Exercise helps to move the digestive system. When a person lacks exercise, the digestive process of his body will also slow down.

Moreover, people who have a lot of visceral fat (abdominal fat or abdominal fat) and experience irregular bowel movements, the risk of developing colorectal cancer will increase.

6. Increasing body weight

body weight rises during menstruation

Is your weight increasing on the scale? Or when you see a mirror do you feel a physical change? Well, this can also be a sign of your lack of exercise.

Even professional athletes who stop training for 5 weeks can experience a 12 percent increase in body fat. As a result of this increase in fat also increases their weight and waist circumference, reported in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research in 2012.

Another thing is also shown by research in PLOS one in 2016 involving taekwondo athletes. Taekwondo athletes who did not exercise for 8 weeks also experienced an increase in body fat by 21.3 percent, increased body weight 2.12 percent, and even decreased muscle mass.

Well, especially if you have more than 8 weeks never exercised? With the same eating behavior or even more, physical activity decreases, no wonder the body will accumulate calories from your food and increase your weight. This is natural, when the body does not try to burn the calories it enters, as a result all of them accumulate.

7. Difficulty sleeping

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If you find it difficult to sleep especially at night, this can be a sign that you need to exercise. Reported on the WebMD page, a study showed that people who exercise 30-40 minutes 4 times a week experience improved sleep quality, reduced daytime sleepiness, and feel more comfortable the next day when on the move.

Exercise can improve mood and reduce stress. That way, this will strengthen the circadian rhythm, the body's biological process that can determine a person's sleep cycle. Exercise allows people to bring their sleep at night fully, and return to freshness the next day.

Don't be lazy, these are the 7 signs that appear if you rarely exercise
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