Is Yoga Really Happy? See the explanation


Medical Video: What are the Benefits of Yoga?

Every person has the right to be happy. Unfortunately, happy times don't just happen, sometimes they have to be created by themselves. One way to achieve happiness is to practice yoga. Is it true that yoga can make you happy? See the facts, how can yoga make you happy below.

Is it true that yoga practice can make you happy?

The happiness that the body feels is actually produced by a chemical reaction. Well, practicing yoga supports kindness and health which creates a feeling of peace for those who do it. Yoga practice, basically combines your physical exercise, deep breathing, and mental focus.

With yoga practice, you learn to unite your breath with movement, and your body with your mind. Movement and its contents can also be considered as a way to re-connect the true essence of the peace of the human body and yourself. This is one way for you to remember the natural condition of the body and its health itself.

In fact, yoga uses breathing and feeling. Through breathing and feeling, you can learn to control your own reactions to people and events around you.

Yoga exercises can reduce stress slowly

Stress begins with events that occur and humans around you, then your reactions and responses will affect the appearance of stress. Then what does yoga have to do with stress?

Now, as explained above, yoga takes an approach from various movements which in terms of physical and psychological levels reduce stress levels in the body. Here are some examples of the benefits of yoga practice can make you happy:

  • By practicing yoga, you learn to listen to your body and respect your soul and body, which will automatically be more grateful and happy.
  • When you practice yoga, you increase the hormone seratonin, oxytocin, and GABA levels in the body. All these hormones are chemical reactions that are responsible for making your body and mind happy.
  • Practicing yoga, can reduce blood pressure, cortisol in the body, and stress hormones.
  • When focusing on the respiratory section, this yoga practice can encourage positive emotions that come out of the body. This is one of the most effective stress relievers from yoga practice.
  • Movements that combine concentration and breathing in yoga practice can reduce anxiety in the things you fear.

What other benefits can you get from yoga?

1. Teach you to choose the things you like

Nearly every person in the survey has done, agree that yoga makes the feeling of being a little happier. It makes sense, if people who practice yoga will be happy when doing it. So this one philosophy of yoga will have an effect on life and other things that you live in, and you will be carried away doing it happily.

2. Strengthen your relationship with yourself and the environment

Is there a close relationship as close as your relationship with the body of soul you have? Here, yoga teaches acceptance of yourself, without judgment, unconditionally loving, for your body and mind. After you successfully love yourself, you will easily develop other close relationships with people around, at least. In addition, yoga classes are a good place to socialize and build new friendships.

3. Yoga certainly makes you healthy and fit

Besides being able to make happiness, the benefits of yoga on the body are also abundant. Movement and physical exercise poses on yoga can tighten your muscles, increase body flexibility, and improve the circulatory system and digestion. As is known, all of that is good for your body.

Is Yoga Really Happy? See the explanation
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