Effective Ways to Sleep a Baby with the Fading Method


Medical Video: Effective Bedtime Routine | Supernanny

A fussy baby does make you parents frantic. Inevitably the parents will be beside the baby until he is fast asleep. Regarding how to put the baby to sleep, much can be done so that parents can be free from fussing babies near bedtime. Yes, sleep time for fussy babies can be trained by doing certain methods. One way to put the baby to sleep can be used by the method fading or move away gradually.

What is the method fading?

In the fading method, parents gradually reduce their role to accompany the baby to sleep by sitting near the baby until he falls asleep, and slowly move away from the crib every night. Method approach fading the other is checking the baby and convincing him (without carrying him) every five minutes until he falls asleep.

How to do the method fading?

To do this, place your baby in a baby crib or bed, pat your back or body parts until the baby feels comfortable. Position yourself a little out of reach of the baby, can be near the door or on the edge of the bed, and start leaving the room slowly. Check the baby every 5 minutes, you can go back briefly to check the condition or position of the baby whether fussy or not.

Some experts say it's okay to pat your baby until the baby feels comfortable. While other opinions suggest talking softly and gently to the baby and saying that this is his bedtime. Do it regularly and consistently. Make a target where in two weeks you should be able to just leave the room after saying 'good night'. And you don't have to pet or silence the fussy baby until they fall asleep.

The purpose of the method fading

Method fading actually not sleep training or training for your baby. This is a way of disciplining children to get to know their bedtime well. The method of stepping away gradually is so that the baby is accustomed to sleeping without having to have a parent figure who accompanied him during his sleep. This method is also known as a method in which parents disappear slowly from a baby's perspective, or parents can sleep outside the room that is different from a baby.

This method takes a gradual time, it doesn't work immediately. So parents must be patient with the conditions and intentions of sleep training for this baby.

Another goal is to give the baby time to find ways to calm himself. "Assume you are the coach, not his grip on sleep," said Kim West, a social worker and writer The Sleep Lady’s Good Night, Sleep Tight, which wrestles with the strategy method fading. This method can be done for children aged 5 months to pre-school age children.

What method fading is this effective?

A long-term study found that infant sleep methods are applied through methods fading better. The impact of depression on their parents is also lower. Every baby has a character and method that is applied differently, so not all babies can succeed with this fading method.

Your role as a parent is very important in applying and adapting sleep patterns and healthy daily routines for each child. Adapted to your needs and age.


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Effective Ways to Sleep a Baby with the Fading Method
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