Tips to Fight Inflammation in the Body With Sports


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Various types of sports, from running to lifting weights, are very good for your body. Now it's been known that there are other benefits of exercise, which can help your body fight inflammation.

Inflammation or inflammation is a response to the body's protection to get rid of various dangers. So, basically this reaction is important for maintaining a healthy body. However, chronic inflammation can be one of the causes of several diseases. Starting from diabetes, joint pain, to heart disease. Because of this, inflammation must also be resisted, one of which is by exercise.

However, shouldn't people who have inflammatory diseases should reduce exercise and not move much? Which one is true? Here is the right answer from experts.

How can exercise fight inflammation?

When you start exercising and moving your body, muscle cells will release a small amount of protein called interleukin-6 (IL-6). This IL-6 protein seems to play an important role in fighting inflammation.

IL-6 has several anti-inflammatory benefits, including reducing a protein called TNF-α which plays a role in triggering inflammation in the body and inhibiting the effects of IL-1β proteins that can trigger inflammation in the pancreas. Inflammation in the pancreas can interfere with insulin production so that sugar levels in the blood can rise, especially in people with diabetes.

What exercise and how long does it take for the body to fight inflammation?

The biggest factor in determining how much muscle secretes IL-6 is the duration of your training time. The longer the duration of your exercise, the more IL-6 is released by the muscles.

For example, after you exercise for 30 minutes, IL-6 levels can increase by five times. Now, if you have just been running a marathon, IL-6 levels can increase up to as much as 100 times.

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How much effect does IL-6 have on inflammation?

A study published in 2003 studied the role of IL-6 in fighting inflammation. The researchers injected the molecule of E. Coli bacteria with the study participants. The goal is to activate the inflammatory response in their body.

Researchers found that when they injected the bacterial molecule, there was an increase in TNF-α protein which triggers inflammation by two to three times. However, if participants exercised for the previous 3 hours, they did not experience an increase in TNF-α protein as if they were not exercising.

Another study that examined more than four thousand middle-aged men and women, stated that regular exercise for 20 minutes per day or 2.5 hours per week can reduce inflammation in the body by 12 percent.

Study participants who had just started exercising in the middle of the study also had a significant anti-inflammatory effect, which meant it was never too late to benefit from exercise.

What should we do to get this effect?

Some of these studies show that exercise can activate the anti-inflammatory effects of IL-6 protein, so that it can have beneficial effects in the short and long term if you exercise regularly. Physical activity can be a good strategy for increasing metabolism and producing effective anti-natural inflammation.

To get an anti-inflammatory effect for the body, try to exercise at least 30 minutes every day. You can try exercising from relaxing, running, swimming, yoga, swimming-gym, and cycling.

Whereas if you are experiencing inflammation due to certain diseases such as asthma or rheumatism, consult with your doctor what exercise is safe and recommended for you. Having a certain disease does not mean you should not exercise.

Tips to Fight Inflammation in the Body With Sports
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