6 Yoga Poses That Are Guaranteed to Make the Session Session More Hot


Medical Video: Top 6 Advanced Yoga Poses

Undoubtedly, yoga does have many benefits. Not only as a stress reliever, other yoga benefits include losing weight and improving digestion. However, maybe you never thought, it turns out yoga can also be good for your sex life. How can? What yoga movements can be done to get the benefits of yoga?

Benefits of yoga to improve the quality of sex

The main benefit of yoga that has been known to many people is reducing stress. Research shows that regular yoga practice can help reduce stress levels in the body by lowering cortisol levels.

Increased stress can have many negative effects on the body, one of which is decreasing sexual desire.

In addition, the benefits of yoga in sex life can also improve overall sexual function. A study looked at 40 women while practicing yoga for 12 weeks. The study shows that these women have a better sex life.

The benefits of other yoga can also help you listen to your body and how to control your mind. both can give you insight into what you like and dislike, which leads you to better communicate what's best for your partner.

Yoga movements to improve your sex life

If you want to improve your sex life, try using some of these poses in your yoga practice.

1. Cat pose (Marjaryasana) and cow pose (Bitilasana)

source: Healthline

This movement is often done simultaneously which can help you soothe and loosen the spine. This movement helps reduce your overall stress level and makes your mood calmer.

How to do this movement are:

  • This pose starts with all fours. Make sure your wrist is under your shoulder and your knee is parallel to your hip. Keep your spine stable and your weight balanced evenly throughout your body.
  • Inhale when you look up and let your stomach curve to the floor. Lift your eyes, chin, and chest when you stretch.
  • Exhale, put your chin to your chest, and pull your belly button towards your spine. Round your spine towards the ceiling.
  • Move slowly between the two for 1 minute

2. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

source: Healthline

This pose helps strengthen your pelvic floor. Strengthening these muscles helps reduce pain during sex and can even make sex feel better.

The way to do this pose is:

  • Lying on your back, bend your knees and position your feet hip-width apart with your knees parallel to your ankles.
  • Place your hands on the floor with your palms on the floor and spread your fingers apart.
  • Lift your pelvic area off the floor, let your body follow, but your shoulders and head remain on the floor.
  • Hold this pose for 5 seconds, then release.

3. Happy Baby (Ananda Balasana)

source: Healthline

This pose is a relaxed pose for the gluteus and lower back. In addition, this pose can function as a variety of missionary positions. To try it in bed, start with the missionary position with your partner above, and then stretch your legs and wrap around your partner's body.

The way to do this pose for yoga practice is:

  • Lie on your back
  • Bend your knees towards the abdomen by exhaling
  • Inhale and take to reach the outside of your leg, then stretch your knees. You can also use waist fish or a towel over your feet to make it easier.
  • Flex your legs, push your heels up as you pull down with your hands to stretch.

4. One-Legged Pigeon (Eka on Rajakapotasana)

suber: Healthline

This pose has many variations and everything is very good for stretching and opening your hips. Tight hips can make sex uncomfortable. In addition, it also makes it difficult for you to try different sex positions.

The way to do this pose is:

  • Start with positionpushup
  • Lift your right leg and move it in front of your body so that your lower leg is at a 90 degree angle from your body.
  • Stretch your left leg behind you on the floor with the top of your foot facing down and your toes pointing backwards.
  • Exhale as you bend forward, shifting your weight. Use your arms to support your weight. If this is uncomfortable, try folding the blanket or pillow and placing it under your right hip.
  • Release and repeat on the other side.

5. Child’s pose (Balasana)

source: Healthline

This pose is the best way to open your hips and get deep relaxation. This is also a grounding pose, which means your focus should be to rest and breathe along the pose, which can melt anxiety and stress.

The way to do this pose is:

  • Start by kneeling on the floor, with your toes touching each other, stretching your knees as wide as your hips.
  • Exhale and lean forward. Place your hands in front of you and lie down, allowing your upper body to relax between your legs. Try to touch your forehead on the mat, but you can also put your head on a block or pillow.
  • Relax in this position for 30 seconds to a few minutes.

6. Corpse Pose (Savasana)

source: Healthline

Yoga classes usually end with Corpse Pose, or Savasana. This pose helps you relax and learn to release stress. Think of it as a mini meditation session at the end of your yoga practice that gives relaxation and an effort to feel better.

The way to do this pose is:

  • Lie on your back with your feet open and your palms facing up. Relax every part of your body from your face to your fingers and toes.
  • Keep in this pose as you see fit.
6 Yoga Poses That Are Guaranteed to Make the Session Session More Hot
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