6 Diseases That Make Your Stomach Feel Pain When Coughing



Generally, the condition of the stomach hurt when coughing is something that usually happens. When you cough, most of the body's muscles will contract, especially the muscles in the chest, diaphragm, and abdominal area. This contraction process requires energy to remove coughs from the respiratory tract. Well, the muscles that contract often often get tired so that pain arises. This condition can occur if the cough lasts longer.

However, if the cough you are experiencing is not an abdominal muscle pain, but a painful abdominal pain, there may be other causes that accompany it.

There are several diseases that accompany symptoms of stomach pain when coughing

Pain and pain in the stomach, usually will increase with movement or excessive coughing. If the pain that you feel is getting worse when you cough, you should immediately seek medical help.

Here are some diseases that can cause stomach pain when coughing:

1. Ovarian cysts

Most women will experience ovarian cysts during their lifetime. Ovarian cysts are the condition of the appearance of a fluid-filled sac found in your ovary or attached to the outside. Ovarian cysts can cause severe pain in the abdomen and pelvis when you experience a chronic cough. It is recommended to contact the doctor for further action.

2. Pelvic inflammation

Pelvic inflammation is a disease that has the potential to develop infections of the cervix, ovary, uterus and fallopian tubes. This disease is usually caused by bacteria that are transmitted through sexual intercourse.

One symptom is stomach pain when coughing and this condition has the potential for ectopic pregnancy or even infertility in women if it is not diagnosed early.

4. Appendicitis

Appendicitis aka appendicitis is a condition that causes the intestine to get a bacterial infection and become inflamed. If left untreated, appendicitis becomes a life-threatening condition because your appendix is ​​full of pus and is at risk of an increase in rupture (tear of intestinal tissue). The appendix can hurt if you make excessive movements, it can even hurt when you cough or laugh.

5. Obstruction in the intestine

When your intestine is blocked by a surgical cut or infection, it can cause a blockage. These blockages can include pressure in the pelvic area, pain in the navel, stomach pain during coughing, nausea and even chronic constipation.

6. Round ligament pain in pregnant women

Round ligament pain is a condition in which a pregnant woman feels pain on a particular side of her abdomen. Usually this condition is felt in the second trimester. This painful ligament is located in the pelvis and surrounds the uterus. During pregnancy, the uterus will expand the abdomen and stretch the ligaments. Stomach pain when coughing is sometimes an impact that you can get in this condition.

6 Diseases That Make Your Stomach Feel Pain When Coughing
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