Yin Yoga vs. Hatha Yoga, Two Types of Yoga with Different Benefits


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Yoga is one type of sport that is loved by many people, both men and women. Yoga has a myriad of health benefits, one of which is to maintain a balance between body, mind and spirit. Well, you can also get these benefits by doing Hatha yoga and Yin yoga, two types of yoga that are quite popular in the community. So, what distinguishes the two? Here's the explanation.

What is Hatha yoga?

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Almost all of the yoga movements that you have seen include Hatha yoga. Hatha yoga means yoga is strong, because this type of yoga can increase energy for yogis (as people who do yoga) through poses performed.

Compared to other types of yoga, Hatha yoga focuses on physical movements and breathing rather than mental. Usually, Hatha yoga is done by combining sitting and standing positions with a slow tempo. So, you can enjoy Hatha yoga's movements more relaxed.

What is Yin yoga?

the benefits of yoga

Yin yoga is part of Hatha yoga. However, the difference lies in the poses performed.

Judging from his movements, Yin yoga poses tend to be more relaxed and passive than other types of yoga. You will spend a lot of time sitting or lying down in a comfortable position before turning to the next yoga pose.

According to Sara Gottfried, MD, a doctor from Berkeley, California, Yin yoga is very good at activating the nervous system and relieves pain and stress. Because, Yin yoga can help reduce tension in connective tissue and joints, such as the knee, ankle, pelvis, hips, and lower spine.

When you do Yin yoga, you will do a number of yoga poses and let them last for several minutes, sometimes even up to 20 minutes. This aims to give time to the muscles of your body to be more relaxed and relaxed. Yin yoga movements can help heal scars on the ligaments.

Which type of yoga is most beneficial for health?

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Basically, Hatha yoga and Yin yoga both offer benefits for body health. But remember, the benefits are certainly different in both. So, adjust to the needs and health problems that you experience. Let's peel one by one.

Hatha yoga

Balance disorder is one of the problems that is quite common in adults. Well, for those of you who feel easy to fall or unstable when walking, it's a good idea to try doing Hatha yoga regularly. Yes, this type of yoga can help improve your balance, you know!

In addition, Hatha yoga can also help improve your fitness. This is evidenced by a study published in the 2014 International Journal of Yoga that Hatha yoga can improve one's mental and physical endurance.

Yin yoga

For those of you who often get sore or experience joint pain, Yin yoga can be the right choice. Because, Yin yoga can help reduce tension in the connective tissue that lines the muscles of the body. By routinely doing Yin yoga, you will not be easily tired while on the move and reduce the risk of injury.

Reporting from Livestrong, the key to success in reaping the benefits of Yin yoga is to remain relaxed while doing yoga. Therefore, take advantage of every Yin yoga movement to be truly relaxed and calm. Focus your attention on fun things while doing Yin yoga movements to be more calm and comfortable.

Yin Yoga vs. Hatha Yoga, Two Types of Yoga with Different Benefits
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