5 Facts About Natural Labor Induction that Often Makes Misunderstandings


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Every pregnant woman wants her labor to run smoothly. But sometimes, there are some things that make the labor process jammed or delayed so that the mother needs to receive good induction naturally. However, did you know that some natural ways of inducing labor which are suggested to be hereditary in fact do not effectively speed up labor?

Various myths of labor induction which turned out to be wrong

Labor induction is done to stimulate the production of the hormone oxytocin to trigger uterine contractions. The faster the contraction takes place, the more the birth canal will open up and accelerate the labor process.

During this time, there are many things that are believed to help accelerate labor induction, but it turns out that it is just a myth. Here is the myth of labor induction from now on, you don't need to believe anymore.

1. Having sex

sex triggers labor contractions

Many women routinely have sex during pregnancy, hoping that contractions will come faster. This is because male semen contains the hormone prostaglandin which can help soften and open the cervix so that it accelerates the opening.

On the other hand, several other doctors actually revealed that this is a myth of labor induction that should not be used as a reference. First because not all pregnant women can have sex close to the day of delivery. Especially if you have ruptured membranes, bleeding, or are at risk of preterm labor.

In addition, the chance of successful uterine contractions from having sex is also never proven through medical research that is quite representative.

2. Nipple stimulation

nipple stimulation

An obstetrician from UCLA Medical Center in Santa Monica, Aldo Palmieri, M.D., revealed that nipple stimulation should not be done at home as a natural induction.

How to stimulate the nipples that tend to be the same as when the baby sucks the nipple can cause excessive release of the hormone oxytocin. This can lead to excessive and potentially unsafe contractions in the mother and baby.

In addition to triggering excessive contractions, babies in the womb can be stress characterized by a slowing heart rate. Again, don't do this without consulting a doctor first.

3. Castor oil

castor oil

Without realizing it, there are still many pregnant women who believe in the myth of labor induction on this one. According to a recent study published in the 2018 journal Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, pregnant women drink castor oil or castor oiltend to contract faster and give birth within 24 hours thereafter.

Unfortunately, until now there has been no specific rule on how much castor oil should be consumed to speed up labor. If not done carefully, most drinking castor oil can actually trigger stronger contractions.

Instead of giving beneficial effects, blood flow to the baby actually decreases. As a result, babies in the womb become deprived of oxygen and can be fatal if not treated quickly.

4. Eat pineapple fruit

tongue itching after eating pineapple

This one-child birth induction myth is certainly very common to you. He said, eating pineapple during pregnancy can trigger uterine contractions and make the mother give birth quickly.

Pineapple does contain the enzyme bromelain which can help flex the cervix so that it can trigger birth. Unfortunately, this contraction will not take place quickly if you only eat one pineapple.

Yes, one pineapple contains only very few enzymes of bromelain. So just eating a plate of fresh pineapple won't have much impact on the appearance of contractions. However, this does not mean you can eat too much pineapple because it will trigger diarrhea.

5. Walk


A study from the Journal of Perinatal Education in 2014 revealed that as many as 32 women who diligently walk while pregnant tend to experience contractions faster before labor. Unfortunately, many doctors are not really sure about the relationship between walking and labor induction.

The effect of walking is more easily felt when pregnant women have begun to experience contractions, not to stimulate the arrival of contractions. Because the hip movement when walking can help position the baby's head towards the pelvis so that the opening runs quickly.

But remember, pay attention to your body's ability not to get tired. Save your energy in preparation for giving birth.

In fact, the only safe and reliable induction method for triggering labor is the medication given in the hospital.

5 Facts About Natural Labor Induction that Often Makes Misunderstandings
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