9 Facts Regarding How to Take Care of Babies That Turn Out to Be Big Wrong


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A lot of advice on ancestral heritage and rumors circulating in the community about the most correct way to care for newborns. Even though not all habits are good or right for babies. Some of these "guidelines" for caring for babies are contrary to what the medical world says. So, where do you care for the right baby, and which do you really don't need to trust anymore? Find out here.

The myth of how to care for a baby that is proven to be incorrect

1. Babies must use octopus

Many parents use the octopus in babies to prevent babies from experiencing flatulence. In fact, babies can have difficulty breathing because the windings of octopus cloth can hamper the space for the growth of internal organs. The baby's abdominal wall is still weak and the volume of his body is not in accordance with the area of ​​the chest cavity and the abdominal cavity that exists because until the age of five months in the womb, this organ continues to grow while the place is very limited.

2. Don't cut baby's nails in the first 40 days

He said baby nails should not be cut before 40 days. This myth arises more because of the concern that the mother will hurt the skin of the fingers or toes when cutting the child's nails. In fact, if the baby's nails are not cut for 40 days, their long nails can hurt the face and even the cornea of ​​the eye. We recommend baby nail clippers with special equipment that is safe for your baby's care.

3. The baby's feet must be covered

Many parents hold babies to straighten their clubfoot. In fact, the bedong actually inhibits the baby's motor development because his hands and feet don't get a chance to move. The newborn's legs are naturally bent because the baby is still accustomed to curling after 9 months in the womb. The baby's feet will straighten and strengthen by themselves over time, without needing to be stretched.

Swaddles should only be done after the baby is bathed or when the weather is cold. The purpose of the bedong is to keep the baby from the cold. The use should also be loose, not with tight wraps and tight.

4. Mothers and newborns may not leave the house for 40 days

The assumption that mothers and babies cannot go out for 40 days is actually not right. You and your baby do not need to shut themselves down for 40 days from outside activities.

It's okay to move as usual if your body is back fit. However, you should not bring newborns to crowded places that are too many people, for example to the mall or to tourist attractions, because babies have the potential to get germs. The baby's immunity is still very vulnerable at the age of under 40 days.

5. Bathe the baby with cold water so that it is strong

Bathing a baby with cold water is considered a way to make a baby grow strong, which is not right. Babies are susceptible to cold temperatures. Cold water can make a baby's metabolism increase, which causes food in the body to burn too much to regulate body temperature. Finally the baby is exhausted and easily hurt. You should bathe the baby with warm water, lift it before it is cold and make sure the baby is always warm after taking a shower. Bathing with cold water is safe for children over one year.

6. Baby's hair must be shaved

Many parents shave their baby's hair to run out so that it grows thick and black. Even though this has absolutely nothing to do with it. Thin thickness of a person's hair is strongly influenced by genetic factors derived from parents. The appearance of thick hair is usually only because the new texture is indeed rather rough after being shaved.

7. Babies should be given coffee during a seizure

Be careful with advice on how to care for this baby. He said, a baby who has a seizure should be attracted to black coffee to stop the strain. This is a big mistake. Caffeine in coffee can increase a baby's heart rate. Although the heart rate of a newborn baby is basically quite fast (130 beats per minute, and can go up to 160 more per minute when crying or fever), a fast heartbeat that is not normal will endanger your baby's health.

8. Baby walker make the baby walk faster

Not a few parents rely on it baby walker to accelerate the baby's ability to walk. Fact, baby walker it only slows the baby's ability to walk, rather than not using it at all. Space limitations on baby walkers thus limiting the space for movement and visualization. In addition, babies who spend their active time "confined" in a narrow baby walker will only learn to sit and move and pad their feet here and there without the support of well-built posture and strong bones. Over time this will have an impact on the development of body muscle coordination.

9. Breast milk must be squeezed and removed before breastfeeding

Extorting breast milk and removing it before breastfeeding is also a myth of how to care for babies who no longer need to be followed. This assumption comes from the words of our ancestors who believed that breast milk could be spoiled. ASI can't be stale. Sometimes the milk that comes out does look yellowish, not fresh. It is precisely this kind of breast milk that is of good quality, especially in the early days of breastfeeding. The first yellowish milk drops are called colostrum.

9 Facts Regarding How to Take Care of Babies That Turn Out to Be Big Wrong
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