Rules for Eating Colon Cancer Patients After Treatment


Medical Video: Nutrition & colorectal cancer: eating well before, during & after treatment

For people with colon cancer who have just finished treatment, there is a dietary rule for people with colon cancer that must be followed so that the treatment that has just taken place runs optimally. Anything?

What is the importance of paying attention to the eating rules for people with colon cancer?

Taste, everyone agrees that healthy food can help a person become healthier. Blood sugar is awake, stable weight, normal fat levels, good blood pressure, all may be obtained because of applying a healthy lifestyle such as exercising and eating healthy foods with balanced nutrition.

If just for healthy people to keep eating patterns becomes very important, especially for people who have had a history of certain diseases, such as colon cancer. Colon cancer is a disease that attacks one of the digestive organs. That's why maintaining the type of food that comes in is very important for people who have just finished treatment for colon cancer.

Even though you have to undergo a healthy diet, do you know that for people with colon cancer who have just finished their treatment, there are dietary rules for people with colon cancer that need to be considered.

Certain foods can help you reduce the risk of returning colon cancer after treatment

When you have just finished treating colon cancer, like surgery, you are not allowed to eat solid food right away because your intestines are still in the recovery phase. Not to mention if you still have to undergo further treatment, such as chemotherapy, to make sure your cancer cells really die. The side effects of chemotherapy such as loss of appetite you may experience. In fact, you still need nutritious food to help the healing process or even prevent the cancer from returning.

What you eat will have an impact on your health, especially the health of your large intestine. A study conducted byDana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, America, shows how certain types of food can contribute to the emergence of colon cancer, aka colorectal cancer.

The study was conducted on 1,000 stage III colon cancer patients who had undergone surgery and chemotherapy. Then, 1,000 people were divided into two groups who underwent two types of diets.

The first group are those who undergo a western-style diet, while the second group are those who go on a diet with fruits and vegetables. The result, groups who underwent a western style diet were more susceptible to 3.5 times the return of colon cancer than those who carried out a fruit and vegetable diet. So if you changediet, you can increase your life expectancy.

Feeding rules for people with colon cancer right after treatment

1. Consume fruits and vegetables every day gradually

Usually after not eating solid food post-surgery, the doctor will advise to start consuming water and continue to a diet low in fiber and fat gradually and slowly. Your intestine that is still in the recovery stage has not been able to digest fiber and fat in large quantities. That's why you will only consume a little at the beginning. You can start with ripe vegetables and fruits, such as cantaloupe, melon, watermelon and bananas.

As you recover and the doctor states that your intestines are strong enough, add at least five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables every day. It is important to eat foods that are rich in folic acid and B vitamins for the recovery of the large intestine. Good sources of folic acid and B vitamins can come from green vegetables, such as kale and spinach and red cabbage.

2. Increase the amount of fiber with whole grains

Whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, and brown rice can meet your fiber's needs to fight colorectal cancer. Add at least one to two servings of whole grains each meal. Whole wheat bread has high fiber content to keep you full longer and prevent constipation. Avoid consuming high-fat bread, like croissants, garlic bread, and pastries.

3. Consumption of dairy products

Calcium and vitamin D can help you fight colon cancer. That's why consuming milk and derivative products is important. Try to target a minimum of 1,200-1,500 mg of calcium a day, this amount is equal to 3-4 servings of dairy products per day.

You can eat low-fat milk, cheese or yogurt to meet your nutritional needs. If for some reason you cannot get enough milk from your diet, taking calcium and vitamin D supplements can be considered. Consult a doctor or pharmacist for more information.

4. Avoid foods that are at high risk of causing colon cancer

One of the rules that are absolutely followed by people with colon cancer who have just finished taking treatment is to avoid foods that are the trigger factor for cancer. Foods that are at high risk of causing colorectal cancer include red meat and processed meat, sweet foods, such as cakes, and fried foods.

Avoid processed foods or foods high in fat and sugar. It is always better to eat foods from natural ingredients. It is still debated whether red meat is really not good. However, if you want a safe way, choose red meat without fat. You can also add fish or seafood to your protein intake.

5. Limit consumption of alcohol and stop smoking

Alcohol and smoking can increase the risk of colorectal cancer recurrence. One glass of alcohol consumption per day for women and two glasses for men is the recommended maximum limit. It would be better if you stop the habit so that your intestines become healthier.

Smoking is also known as a bad habit that is difficult to stop if you are already addicted. However, be aware that stopping smoking reduces the overall risk factors for cancer, including colon cancer.

Following the dietary rules for people with colon cancer can keep your intestinal health awake and prevent the cancer from recurring. Remember that you have managed to win from a cancer that yesterday gnawed at you. This is an opportunity to improve and enjoy a second life with healthier and cancer free.

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Rules for Eating Colon Cancer Patients After Treatment
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