10 Symptoms of ADHD in Adults


Medical Video: Adult ADHD: Is it Real? - Charles Walker, PhD

Most of us think of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) can only be experienced by children. Indeed, ADHD in children is easier to detect, and the difficulty of concentrating on something, hyperactivity or impulsivity is more easily observed in children than adults. But in fact, ADHD can also be experienced by adults. Symptoms in adults are usually more subtle, so many adults with ADHD are undiagnosed and get treatment.

Adults with ADHD usually have ADHD as children. When some children recover from their condition, about 60% of children still have it as adults. Here are 10 signs that are often found in adults with ADHD.

1. It is difficult to live regularly

People with ADHD find it difficult to carry out various adult responsibilities such as being responsible for work, managing children, paying taxes, and others.

2. Reckless driving and traffic accidents

ADHD causes a person to have difficulty focusing on doing something, such as driving a vehicle. As a result, people with ADHD often drive recklessly and cause accidents, so they finally lose their driving license.

3. Household problems

Many couples without ADHD have household problems, so a marriage that is not harmonious is not a sure sign that someone has ADHD. But there are some household problems caused by ADHD, generally couples with ADHD who are undiagnosed will complain that their partner has difficulty maintaining commitment and is often indifferent. If you are a person with ADHD, you may not understand why your partner is disappointed, and feel that you are blamed by something that is not your fault.

4. Attention is easily distracted

ADHD sufferers find it difficult to survive in a complex and dynamic workplace like now. As a result, their performance in the work environment is bad, as many as half of ADHD sufferers find it difficult to stay in one workplace, and generally get fewer salaries than their colleagues because of poor performance. People with ADHD often feel that incoming calls and e-mails at work are very disturbing and make it difficult for them to complete their tasks.

5. The ability to hear less

Are you often dazed at times meeting? Or does your husband forget to pick up the child even though he has been reminded by telephone many times? The difficulty of giving attention causes people with ADHD to have poor listening skills, resulting in miscommunication and problems in the social and work environment.

6. It's hard to relax

Children with ADHD tend to be hyperactive and cannot be quiet, this is more difficult to observe in adults. Even though it doesn't look hyperactive, adults with ADHD are usually difficult to relax and relax. Others will judge patients as people who are calm or tense.

7. It is difficult to start a job

Like children with ADHD who often delay PR from school, adults with ADHD tend to delay work, especially if the work requires high focus.

8. Difficult to control emotions

People with ADHD are usually more angry about small things and feel that they have no control over their emotions. Even so, their anger usually subsided quickly.

9. Often late

Many things cause people with ADHD to be late. Usually their focus is broken when going to an event or going to work, for example, suddenly the sufferer thinks that the car is dirty and needs to be washed first when leaving for work. People with ADHD also tend to underestimate the tasks given so often to delay the process.

10. Can't make priority scale

Often sufferers cannot prioritize the things they have to do. As a result they often work past deadlines, even though they only do something that is not important and can be postponed beforehand.

Even though it does not endanger health, ADHD in adults can interfere with a person's productivity and quality of life. If you have the above signs, don't hesitate to see your doctor. Also talk about the conditions you experience with your spouse and family.


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10 Symptoms of ADHD in Adults
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