3 Chemicals Cause Kidney Damage Often Met in Homes



Based on the results of the 2013 Riskesdas by the Indonesian Ministry of Health, 0.2% of the total Indonesian population experienced chronic kidney failure. From the data of the 7th Report of Indonesian Renal Registry in 2014, most kidney failure patients who did dialysis were caused by hypertension (37%), diabetes (27%), and congenital abnormalities (10%). But these three conditions are not the only cause of kidney failure. There are some chemicals that may be often found at home, which can unwittingly cause kidney damage. Anything? Check out this article.

Various types of chemicals in the house that can cause kidney damage

1. Antibiotics

According to a study conducted by the Canadian Medical Association Journal, antibiotics prescribed by doctors to cure can increase the risk of kidney damage if used in the long term, especially if consumption is not in accordance with the recommended dosage and method of use.

Researchers from Canada and the United States found that fluoroquinolone, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, and moxiflxacin antibiotics increase the risk of kidney damage by twofold, especially in men.

The use of antibiotics must be under the supervision of a doctor. Do not buy and take antibiotics carelessly if you do not want your kidneys damaged. Even so, the chances of kidney damage due to taking antibiotics are relatively small, namely 1: 1500 people.

2. Painkillers or pain killer

Analgesics are pain relievers that can be obtained without having to use a doctor's prescription. Example aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen sodium. If consumed according to dosage and method of use, painkillers generally do not cause harm.

However, in some conditions this painkiller can be dangerous for the kidneys if taken on a regular basis for a long time, even though it doesn't need to be very necessary. Painkillers have been associated with two forms of kidney damage, namely acute kidney failure and chronic kidney disease.

Most drugs that can cause kidney damage are usually only excreted through the kidneys. That is, this drug is not 'broken' by the liver, or out of the body through urine.

3. Alcohol

Drinking one or two glasses of alcohol may not have a serious effect on your body. But if you drink too much alcohol at one time, this can be dangerous to your health, including damaging the health of your kidneys.

The kidneys function to filter out harmful substances from the blood. One of the dangerous substances that will be filtered by the kidneys is alcohol. Drinking too much alcohol can cause changes in kidney function and reduce kidney performance because they are less able to filter blood.

Besides filtering blood, the kidneys also maintain the amount of water in your body properly. Alcohol affects the ability of the kidneys to detoxify poisons because alcohol causes dehydration. This effect of dehydration can affect the normal functioning of cells and organs, including the kidneys. Drinking 3-4 glasses of alcohol a day increases your chances of experiencing chronic kidney disease.

3 Chemicals Cause Kidney Damage Often Met in Homes
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