4 Benefits of Acai Berry, The Super Fruit for Health


Medical Video: Nutrition Tips : Facts About Acai Berry

Ever heard of the acai berry? This fruit is one of the "superfood"Which is the trend of consumers today. Actually what are the benefits of the acai berry for health?

Where did the acai fruit come from?

First of all, do you know how to say the right word 'acai'? This acai berry is read ‘asay berry. This fruit comes from a type of palm tree that grows in Central and South America. The Acai berry is purplish blue, and its size is approximately the same as blueberries the big one.

People from the native Amazon tribe have used the Acai berry as a health product for years. This fruit contains far more antioxidants than other types of berries.

Acai berries are included in fruits that are hard to come by. In addition to being only found in the Brazilian rainforest, palm trees that produce acai fruit are also very high, so picking fruit made by local residents has a high risk. In addition, the export process must also be very fast, because a trip that is quite time-consuming by sea can make this fruit rotten easily.

What does the acai berry taste like?

Acai berries can be consumed raw, juiced, or made into pill extracts. Sometimes, this fruit can also be used as a coloring agent on ice cream or gelatin. Raw acai fruit feels like blackberry, but with a bit of bitter taste similar to that dark chocolate. Because the seeds are large enough, usually the acai fruit is consumed in the form of juice or used as a daily supplement.

What are the benefits of the acai berry for health?

1. Protect from diabetes and heart disease

As mentioned earlier, the acai berry has a much higher antioxidant content than the typeberries others. Antioxidants are substances that can protect your body's cells from damage by oxidative processes.

When the body's cells are oxidized, the outer layer of the cell will be damaged. This damage will produce free radicals. These free radicals will then take electrons from healthy cells. So, with the presence of antioxidants, the cell oxidation process can be prevented, so it can protect your body from various diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and various other aging processes.

2. Prevent hypertension and high cholesterol

The Acai berry also contains fatty acids needed by the body such as omega-3, omega-6, and monounsaturated oleic acid. Omega-3 and omega-6 are known to be good fats for the body, and are recommended for consumption by experts. Meanwhile oleic acid or oleic acid is a fat commonly contained in skin care products. All fatty acids contained in the acai fruit are known to prevent various medical conditions such as hypertension and high cholesterol.

3. The skin is rich in fiber and antioxidants

The Acai berry won't be superfood skinless purplish blue. Acai fruit skin contains high fiber, nutrients and antioxidants. If you buy an acai berry supplement, make sure that the supplement is rich in the skin of the acai berry.

4. Healthy for people who are overweight

When first introduced, acai fruit is claimed to help reduce weight. However, at present, there is little evidence that can prove whether acai fruit can help a person's diet program. However, a study shows that acai berry supplements can help reduce cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and reduce the risk of diabetes in people who are overweight.

Are the acai berries having side effects?

Although the acai berry has been widely consumed, few studies have examined the safety of acai berry supplements. Experts recommend that you be careful if you are pregnant, and avoid consuming this fruit if you have allergies to plants from palm families.

Eating acai fruit can affect the results of MRI examination. Therefore, if you are scheduled to undergo an MRI examination, it is a good idea to tell your doctor or not to consume this fruit in the near future.

4 Benefits of Acai Berry, The Super Fruit for Health
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