5 Natural Pain Medicines that Are Free of Chemicals


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What will you do first if you experience lumbago, toothache, or other pain? Most of you will probably take pain medication immediately. Many sufferers of chronic pain depend on drugs to deal with their pain, but along with that of course side effects will emerge, and the possibility of bad habits in taking drugs is possible.

Did you know that there are various natural ingredients that can be used to relieve pain? Many herbs and herbs can be used to treat inflammation and other related conditions. This choice of natural medicines is included in the category of alternative medicine such as acupuncture and yoga.

Various natural pain medications that you can try

1. Willow

Since centuries ago, humans have used dedalu to reduce inflammation which is the main cause of pain. This plant turns out to contain salicin, a chemical similar to the ingredients found in aspirin.

In the past, people chewed hammers to relieve pain and reduce heat. But now, hammer is usually sold as a dry plant that can be brewed like tea. In addition, it is also packaged in liquid capsules or supplements. This plant can be used as a medicine for headache, low back pain, osteoarthritis, and others.

However, be careful, these plants can cause digestive disorders, inhibit kidney activity, and increase bleeding time such as aspirin. These plants should only be consumed by adults. Willow can be dangerous for small children, just like aspirin which can also be dangerous if consumed in large quantities.

If you are allergic to aspirin, or if you are taking over-the-counter anti-pain medications (aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen), you should not consume hammer. You also may not consume this plant if you are taking warfarin or other anti-coagulant drugs, because of the womb salicinit can increase the risk of bleeding.

2. Turmeric

Turmeric which is commonly used as cooking spices can also be a natural pain reliever. Turmeric contains curcumin, an antioxidant that can protect the body from free radicals that can damage cells and tissues.

Turmeric can be used as a medicine for indigestion, abdominal pain, psoriasis, and even cancer. Some people with osteoarthritis using turmeric as a natural pain reliever because of its effect that can suppress inflammation.

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3. Cloves

Just like turmeric, cloves are also commonly used as a spice in cooking. However, cloves also have other functions as natural pain medications. As a medicine, cloves are usually packaged in capsules, powder, or even clove oil.

Like other herbal medicines, cloves can also be used to overcome a variety of conditions. Cloves can relieve nausea and treat flu. In addition, this herb can also relieve pain associated with headache, joint inflammation, and toothache.

The active ingredient contained in cloves, eugenol, in addition to being a natural pain reliever, is also often used as a rubbing agent that can be purchased at a pharmacy. Rubbing a little clove oil on the gums can relieve tooth pain while you wait for the dentist. However, don't use it too much, because excessive clove oil can damage the gums. Ask first about this with your dentist.

People with bleeding disorders or people who consume blood thinners must be careful when consuming clove products. Clove oil is known to increase the risk of bleeding.

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4. Acupuncture

This traditional Chinese medicine is increasingly popular lately. This method eliminates pain by balancing the body's energy flow known as ‘Qi’ (read: CHEE). Small, thin needles will be inserted into your body based on the location of your pain. However, based on qi, the location of needle puncture may be far from the location of your pain. Acupuncture can relieve pain by stimulating the body to release serotonin, a hormone that makes you feel comfortable.

A study published by JAMA Internal Medicine found that acupuncture helps relieve pain associated with osteoarthritis, migraine, and chronic pain.

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5. Heat and ice

Among many natural pain relievers, placing hot objects or ice at the location of pain is the most frequent and easy way to do it. However, even though this method is a lay method used, many people are still confused about when is the right time to use ice or hot compresses.

Sprained muscles or new sports injuries will be better after being cold compressed. However, after the inflammation or inflammation has subsided, hot compresses can help reduce the stiffness that will follow it.

Cold compresses can also be useful for headaches. Meanwhile, hot compresses can be used in joint pain such as arthritis.

READ ALSO: When Should You Compress Hot, When Should You Compress Cold?

Remember, pain should not be ignored

The natural pain reliever described above may only be effective for certain causes of pain. It is possible if not all the methods or ingredients above can have an effect on you. However, this natural alternative might give you more choices before you switch to using drugs as a pain reliever.

Always remember, that pain is a signal from the body to tell us that something is wrong with the body. This can be temporary, but can also be a sign of a more serious health disorder that requires the help of a doctor. Never hesitate to consult a doctor to diagnose the source of your pain.

5 Natural Pain Medicines that Are Free of Chemicals
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