6 Benefits of Good Chamomile Tea


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Have you ever felt the benefits of chamomile tea which is good for the body? Yes, chamomile is one of the flowers that is often used as a source of herbal medicines that are good for the body. Chamomile flowers are more often used as tea drinks, by drying them first. Want to know, what are the properties of chamomile tea for the body? Come on, see the explanation of the following article.

Benefits of chamomile tea for health

1. Immunity

The first benefits of chamomile tea are good for strengthening the body's immunity. Because the chamomile tea is good for counteracting various types of infections in the body, the immune and immune systems will increase if you routinely drink chamomile tea.

In the content of chamomile tea there are also phenolic compounds that contain anti-bacteria, which are able to absorb toxins from the foods you normally eat. A study suggests, by drinking 5-6 cups of chamomile tea for 2 weeks regularly, will have a good impact on the body to fight all infections.

2. Relieves menstrual pain

If you like to feel pain during menstruation, anxiety and discomfort during menstrual periods, it's good to try a glass of chamomile tea during menstruation. Why is that? The benefits of chamomile tea are one that has anti-inflammatory substances and relaxes in the body. In addition to relieving pain during menstruation, chamomile tea can also ward off bloating and abdominal pain due to cramps.

3. Relieves stress

Stressful and panic? Don't worry, it can happen to anyone. With the benefits of chamomile tea which is rich in relaxation properties, a cup of tea alone can relieve stress and anxiety on your mind.

When chamomile flowers are made into tea, when taken, it will increase the levels of serotonin and melatonin in your body which is good for calmness and relaxation of the body. Drink 2-3 cups of chamomile tea per day to get the benefits. But remember! Pregnant women are not advised to consume chamomile tea during pregnancy, because it will increase the potential for miscarriage in the fetus.

4. Prevent diabetes

Several studies in the UK have shown that the benefits of chamomile tea can be useful in diabetics. Chamomile tea can be useful to reduce blood sugar levels in the body and regulate insulin levels to be balanced in the blood. But before you consume chamomile drinks for your diabetes, it's best to consult a doctor first.

5. Good for hair

Many people feel the benefits of chamomile tea in their hair. With anti-inflammatory substances, chamomile tea that is routinely consumed will relieve scalp irritation for those of you who like itching on the head. In addition, phenolic compounds can make your beautiful hair strong per strand, and the hair looks thicker and softer.

6. Curing allergies

Chamomile tea is a source of anti-allergens for those of you who suffer from allergies to the smell and touch of plants. For example, chamomile tea is able to overcome the allergies caused by daisies or chrysanthemums. Why is that? Because allergens in chamomile flowers that are dried and made into tea are able to modulate the human body's immune response to these flowers. Then, anti-histamine in chamomile tea is also useful for calming allergic reactions throughout the body.

6 Benefits of Good Chamomile Tea
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