6 Surprising Health Benefits of Spicy Jalapeno Chili


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Jalapeno Chili (jalapenos) is one of the hottest chillies in the world that has a spiciness rate of 2,500-8,000 in Scoville scores. This one chili has a shape similar to cayenne pepper, but larger in size. It is important for you to know that behind the spicy taste, it turns out jalapeno has many good properties. Anything, huh?

The efficacy of jalapeno peppers to support body health

1. Rich in nutrients

red jalapeno

Jalapeno nutrition is not inferior to other vegetables and fruits. By eating one jalapeno fruit, it is certain that you will get various nutrients including vitamin B6, vitamin K, folate, manganese, fiber, and calories.

Not only that, jalapeno also contributes a lot of vitamin C and vitamin A. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant against free radical damage, while vitamin A is important to maintain eye health while helping to develop new cells in the body.

One of the most unique compounds in jalapeno is capsaicin, which is an alkaloid extract from chili which gives a distinctive spicy flavor. Capsaicin also supports various health benefits.

2. Lose weight

For those of you who are planning to lose weight, there is good news if you hooked spicy food. According to a study published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, capsaicin contained in jalapeno peppers can help you lose weight by improving metabolic work, increasing fat burning, and reducing appetite.

This finding is also reinforced by research from the Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, which found that capsaicin and other similar compounds called capsaicinoid can increase metabolism, so that it has the potential to more easily lose weight.

In addition to increasing metabolism, supplements with capsaicinoid have also been shown to reduce stomach fat and appetite.

3. Relieves stomach pain

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Generally, all types of chillies can cause or even worsen abdominal pain. However, research from the American Journal of Gastroenterology states that capsaicin can have a good effect in reducing gastric inflammation, especially those caused by infection with Helicobacter bacteria.

In addition, chili can also help reduce stomach damage caused by the use of NSAID painkillers and excessive alcohol.

Even so, further research is still needed to find out whether the amount of capsaicin in jalapeno has proven to be effective for relieving abdominal pain.

4. Overcoming food contamination

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Various studies have proven the efficacy of compounds found in chillies to slow the growth of bacteria and yeast in food.

Even chili extract is believed to be able to stop the development of poisons produced by cholera bacteria in food so that it can reduce the possibility of adverse effects of food diseases that can attack the human body.

It is important to note, that the study did not use whole chili. Instead, it still uses the chili extract tested in the test tube and the test is specifically on food.

5. Maintain body sugar levels

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A study that supports this, states that eating 5 grams of chili before eating high carbohydrate foods, can help stabilize blood sugar levels and prevent blood sugar spikes after eating.

6. Improve the immune system

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One jalapeno fruit can contribute about 66 percent of your daily vitamin C needs. This not small amount of vitamin C is believed to help reduce damage to body cells caused by free radical attacks.

Moreover, jalapeno peppers can even boost the immune system by increasing the production of white blood cells to prevent disease.

6 Surprising Health Benefits of Spicy Jalapeno Chili
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