Why is the Youngest Teeth Growing in Adult Age?


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If you are currently complaining of pain in the back of your jaw, your wisdom teeth might be growing. Wisdom teeth or wisdom teeth is the third molars or the last molars which grow in their teens or in their early twenties. The growth of wisdom teeth often causes problems, one of which is extraordinary pain. This symptom usually occurs when there is no more space left in the gum that can be occupied by wisdom teeth. Then, why do new wisdom teeth grow in adulthood?

The cause of wisdom teeth grows in adulthood

Wisdom teeth or normal third molars grow in the age range of 17-24 years. If this tooth grows inclined, symptoms of swelling, pain, or even fever appear. Especially if this tooth stabs the gum, it will feel very painful. Wisdom teeth will grow in four parts of the jaw, the right upper back, left upper back, lower right rear, and lower left rear.

There is no way to prevent these youngest teeth from growing tilted. This tooth growth is natural and depends on the seeds of the tooth. If the seeds are good, the teeth will grow straight. So when this tooth grows it has a huge potential for pain.

Your first wisdom teeth will usually appear when you are 6 years old, while your second wisdom teeth appear when you are 12 years old. This last molars or commonly called wisdom teeth actually grow when you are around 10 years old.

But these teeth cannot appear like other molars because they have different growths than others, this is due to insufficient space in your jaw. There is no more space left in the gum that can be occupied by wisdom teeth that causes new wisdom teeth to appear (in some people) in the age range of 17 to 25 years, although many possibilities do not appear at the age of 25 years.

Because of the different shape of the human jaw, this is what causes everyone's wisdom teeth to be different. These wisdom teeth are often blocked by other molars that have appeared if your jaw does not have enough space for wisdom teeth.

How to deal with wisdom teeth that grow sick?

Pain due to wisdom teeth can be overcome by taking analgesics or pain relievers. Commonly used is mefenamic or mefinal acid. In addition to the effects of pain, wisdom teeth that grow inclined can affect other teeth that grow first.

If this wisdom tooth grows tilted and is dangerous for other teeth or even gums, it must be removed. Tooth extraction is commonly called an odontectomy surgery and must be handled by an oral surgeon. Previously you would do a panoramic dental x-ray to see the tilt of the tooth.

Not everyone will experience the growth of this wisdom tooth. Pain due to wisdom teeth growth not only when growing. Even in the age of 40 years a person can experience pain due to this wisdom tooth. And if this wisdom tooth appears in a pregnant woman, it should not be revoked. The safest is to be given analgesics with the right type and dosage for pregnant women.

Why is the Youngest Teeth Growing in Adult Age?
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