7 The most common infectious skin diseases in Indonesia


Medical Video: 8 Serious Diseases Signaled by Our Skin

In tropical countries like Indonesia, there are several types of infectious skin diseases that often occur. This infectious skin disease can be spread by air, direct skin contact with the skin, or also objects that have been used by infected people. What are the infectious skin diseases that are common in Indonesia? Check out the review below.

1. Herpes


Herpes is an infectious disease that is often transmitted through sex. This infection is caused by a virus herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-1) or type 2 herpes simplex virus (HSV-2).

Herpes is usually characterized by blisters around the mouth, genitals, or rectum (rectum).

Herpes infection on the face or mouth skin is known as oral herpes or cold sores. Whereas infections that occur around the genitals or rectum are known as genital herpes.

2. Chicken pox

Chicken pox

Chickenpox is a highly contagious disease caused by a virus. Although the incidence of chickenpox decreases over time due to the development of the chickenpox vaccine, there are still some children who experience chickenpox every year.

Most cases of chickenpox occur in children. The virus that causes chickenpox is the varicella zoster virus.

Chicken pox is characterized by an itchy rash on the face, scalp, or the whole body accompanied by pink spots. This spot will later turn into a small or lenting-like blister that contains water that can spread throughout the body.

Chickenpox is transmitted from person to person in various ways. This virus can spread through the touch of the skin with the skin, saliva or mucus of an infected person, or through air grains from people who cough and sneeze.

3. Fire pox or snake pox

Smallpox Fire Smallpox Snake

Chickenpox aka snakepox in adults is caused by a virus called varicella-zoster, which is the same virus in chickenpox in children. People who have been exposed to chickenpox can revive this virus when their immune systems decline, are experiencing severe stress, or when they are over 50 years old.

People who experience chickenpox can spread this virus to anyone, whether people who have had chickenpox or who haven't.

This virus can spread if there is a touch of skin with blisters from people who experience fire pox. The risk of spread will decrease if the blisters are closed, not left open. After the blisters are dry, the disease is no longer contagious.

4. Scabies


Scabies will cause an itchy rash between the fingers, around the waist or navel, in the knee, or in the buttocks. Scabies is a contagious skin disease caused by small mites named Sarcoptes scabei.

Scabies is spread by very close physical contact between the skin. In addition, scabies can also be spread through clothes, towels, or soap that is used together.

5. Ringworm


This infectious skin disease is caused by fungi. Mushrooms that cause ringworm are known to spread through contact from skin to skin.

You can get infected when you borrow objects that are contaminated with this fungus. For example, hair accessories, clothes, or towels. This fungus can also move from animal to human, so you should be aware of bald spots that are present in pets at home.

In addition, infections caused by this fungus will feel more itchy when you sweat and are more susceptible to the folds of the moist body.

If this fungus infects the scalp, you may see a scaly round bald on your head and many of your hair fall out.

6. Warts

Reported on the page American Academy of Dermatology Associationwarts are excessive skin growth due to viral infection in the upper layers of the skin. The virus that causes these warts is known as human papilomavirus (HPV).

This wart virus is very contagious, can be transmitted from person to person. This virus is transmitted from the direct touch between skin that is still healthy with the skin of an infected person.

Some people also experience warts after touching an item touched by a person who has warts, such as holding a towel that has been used by people who have warts.

Warts caused by HPV do not only occur on the skin of the hands or feet, but can also occur in the genitals, so it is included as one of the sexually transmitted diseases.

7. Impetigo

Impetigo is a skin infection that is common in children under five. This infection is highly contagious. The bacteria that cause impetigo thrive in a warm and humid place.

The spread of bacteria can occur through inter-skin touch with someone who experiences it. These bacteria can also enter through wounds, and insect bites.

At first, people who experience impetigo will feel itchy so they will scratch and damage the surface of their skin. This will make the bacteria more easily enter the skin. Impetigo can be shaped like a resilience around the mouth (bull) or like dried ulcer (crust).

If you experience a skin condition like the one above, you should immediately check with your doctor to get proper treatment and prevent transmission to others.

7 The most common infectious skin diseases in Indonesia
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