8 Benefits of Raw Honey Compared to Ordinary Honey


Medical Video: Raw Honey vs. Manuka Honey : Greek Gourmet

You must know the benefits of honey. Honey does contain many benefits for the body. The content of flavonoids - a type of antioxidant - can help cure a number of ailments, such as helping cough and flu recovery, and dealing with boils and bacterial gastroenteritis. But, did you know that packaged honey has undergone a production process such as processing, heating and adding vitamins? Not soraw honey aka raw honey. What are the benefits of raw honey?

Various benefits of raw honey for health

Raw honey or alias fresh honey raw honey is pure honey that does not undergo processing. The following are the benefits of raw and fresh honey that you can get:

1. Good antioxidant content

Raw honey contains antioxidants called phenolic compounds. This compound can be beneficial for cardiovascular health. In addition, the research cited Healthline.com also shows that polyphenols in honey can prevent heart disease. Antioxidants can also protect the body from cell damage due to free radicals that enter the body. Free radicals can trigger the aging process and risk increasing chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

2. As an antibacterial and antifungal agent

Another benefit of raw honey is to kill unwanted bacteria and fungi. In addition, raw honey also contains hydrogen peroxide and antiseptics. The effectiveness of honey as an antibacterial and antifungal depends on the type of honey itself.

3. Control a healthy body weight

The research cited by draxe.com shows that there is a connection between consuming honey and decreasing body weight. Research at San Diego State University found that replacing sugar with honey can help prevent weight gain and lower blood sugar levels in the body. Calories contained in honey are indeed high compared to sugar, but natural honey does not undergo processing, no more sugar is added, and can activate hormones that suppress appetite.

The results of a study conducted by the University of Wyoming, involving 14 non-obese women, showed that consuming honey can protect against obesity. However, it all comes back to your daily diet.

4. Prevent infection

Raw honey contains bee pollen which has the benefit of warding off infections, alleviating allergies, and enhancing immunity. A study found in 2013 found that consuming honey in high doses can provide changes in allergy symptoms for more than 8 weeks. Researchers also observed that honey can also reduce the symptoms of allergic rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal cavity) which can cause itching, runny eyes, and sneezing. You can consume raw honey about one tablespoon.

5. Natural energy sources

Raw honey contains about 80% natural sugar, 18% water, and 2% protein, not to mention added minerals and vitamins. Honey is also an energy intake that is easily absorbed, no wonder when you feel weak, consuming honey can make you regain energy. Research at the University of Memphis Exercise and Sports Nutrition Laboratory shows that honey is one of the carbohydrates that are well consumed before doing exercise. You can make raw honey as a snack before exercise and food after exercise.

6. Helps to sleep

Believe it or not, raw honey can help you overcome sleep disorders. Consuming it can help release the hormone melatonin in the brain by increasing small spikes in insulin levels. This can stimulate tryptophan in the brain, then be converted to serotonin, the final stage is converted to melatonin. The function of the hormone melatonin is to regulate sleep.

7. Relieve sore throats

The benefits of raw honey for sore throats have long been proven. When you get flu and cough, when you have a sore throat, try one or two tablespoons of honey. You can also mix it with lemon or warm tea. Researchers revealed that honey was as effective as dextromethorphan - a common cough medicine ingredient.

8. Control blood sugar

Raw honey can reduce the risk of developing diabetes, because raw honey has not been processed. Honey is thought to cause low plasma glucose level elevation in diabetics when compared with dextrose and sucrose. Raw honey can increase insulin and reduce hyperglycemia. You can try it a little first and see the reaction at the level of blood sugar. If it works on your body, raw honey can be used as an alternative to your diet plan.

Are there risks from consuming raw honey?

Raw honey contains bee pollen and propolis which is beneficial for health. Besides having many benefits, honey also contains bacteria that can cause botulism. This is very dangerous if consumed by infants less than one year old. Botulism can cause symptoms similar to food poisoning in adults. If this happens, you should go to a doctor immediately.

8 Benefits of Raw Honey Compared to Ordinary Honey
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