8 Facts about Defecation that You Need to Know


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Indeed, the impression is not important to talk about defecation. However, you must see that defecation is also an activity related to a medical reaction. So, for something we do everyday, this is important to discuss. A gastroenterologist reveals interesting facts about defecation, as follows:

1. There is no rule "once a day"

"On average, one goes to defecate one to two times a day," said Felice Schnoll-Sussman, M.D., Director of Jay Monahan Center, a digestive health center in New York, United States. "However, there are also those who don't defecate at all in a day, two, up to three days," he added. For him, as long as the abdomen feels fine and you have no trouble defecating, that means there are no problems.

Then, what happens if you usually defecate in a day and then suddenly change to three or four times a day? Don't worry first. This can happen because of changes in your ingredients and diet, and such changes can be a good thing, such as increasing the level of fiber in your body. In essence, if you feel an ongoing stomach ache, you should consult a doctor.

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2. If scheduled, that's good

If every day you defecate at the same time, and you feel you can set the schedule, it means that your digestive system is in top shape. If not, do you need to worry? Don't be afraid first. "Basically, someone eats heavy food at night. So, there is time for our bodies to digest, "Schnoll-Sussman said. According to him, the sleeping position will close your stomach if there is no dirt pressure, but when standing the dirt will press down. So, defecating in the morning is normal.

The general time you feel you want to waste is when you go home from work. When you go through routine and stress in your work, you are psychologically resting. "This happens only because the presence of rest periods for yourself, has nothing to do with biology," said Lisa Ganjhu, an osteopathic expert, professor of Langone Medical Center.

3. Sudden heartburn doesn't always mean bad

Have you ever felt that when you just finished eating, you immediately felt like you wanted to defecate? If that happens to you, that doesn't mean your digestive system is 'super-efficient'. If a habit like that still happens to you, it means that indeed the size of your digestive tract has not developed. "Defecating right after eating is the same as a baby's reflex," Lisa Ganjhu said. For some people, the reflex will never change, and that is normal.

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Even though it feels bad, you don't need to worry. You don't have to find a place to eat near the toilet. Schnoll-Sussman stated that as long as you are still able to hold back defecation, that is normal. However, if what happens is after eating suddenly mules and can not be restrained, then when it comes out runny, floats, and the smell is strong, then you are in trouble.

4. Coffee stimulates bowel movements? Really!

Ganjhu confirms that the true existence of coffee stimulates our body to defecate. Caffeine stimulates your body, makes your intestines contract and then pushes the stool into the rectum. "It's not unusual for people to drink coffee in the morning and then defecate immediately," said Ganjhu.

5. Menstruation makes you defecate more often

These are the things you will feel when you are in your menstrual period or menstruation: cramps, bloating, and of course going to the toilet more often. Lisa Ganjhu confirmed this, this happened and was related to hormones. Scientists say that in the period of menstruation, women's bodies will release the hormone prostaglandin and trigger the uterus to contract. Then, the contraction spreads to the digestive organs so heartburn comes.

6. Squatting is better

If you have ever had difficulty in removing feces during a bowel movement, for Schnoll-Sussman you might be in the wrong sitting position. Science has proven that the angle of the body 90 degrees on the toilet seat is not the best. Instead, squatting with a 45 degree angle is the best. Indeed, in this era it is rather difficult to find a toilet with a position to defecate squat, but it is technically good for the rectum in the process of defecation.

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7. During holidays, defecation is less frequent?

Surely you have been in a state of vacation with family or friends, then you realize that all day you have not defecated. A study states that 40 percent of people will experience constipation while on vacation, but this is denied by Schnoll-Sussman and Ganjhu. For them, it will be difficult to know the real numbers.

This is indeed a common problem, sitting for hours on a plane with the air pressure you feel will make your intestines dry. Vacation also has the potential to make you dehydrated, this scenario is complemented by nutritional food that is often overlooked during holidays.

8. Enjoy the time in the toilet

You do not set the duration of your presence in the toilet when you defecate. Just enjoy those times, don't be in a hurry. Ganjhu says that the intestine will always signal when it is empty and when feces will come out. Do not position yourself tense and give a deadline for the stool to come out. Such feelings will make things even more difficult. However, Schnoll-Sussman said that the difficulty of defecating was also caused by anatomical abnormalities, especially in the rectum.

8 Facts about Defecation that You Need to Know
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