Abdominal Abdominal Pain Suddenly During Activity? Alert Symptoms of Suduken



Have you ever felt an upper abdomen hurt like a needle when running or doing activities? If so, you might experience itside stitchor the Javanese usually call it the termsuduken. This upper abdominal pain is quite common in the community and feels very disturbing. What is the cause? suduken that? Come on, find out through the following review.

What is suduken?

pain in stomach cramps when running

People who often run are prone to experiencesuduken, whose medical term is calledside stitch. Sudukenis the sensation of upper stomach pain to the side that feels like being pricked. This pain can get worse when you take a deep breath.

When you exercise, blood in the body will move away from the diaphragm. The diaphragm is a muscle that separates the abdomen from the heart and lungs.

If you are preoccupied with exercise or physical activity without setting a long breathfully tired, the diaphragm muscles will be less oxygen. This can cause the diaphragm muscles to experience cramps or spasms. This is why, your upper abdomen will feel painful when exposedsuduken.

Although often characterized by upper abdominal pain, symptomssudukencan also occur on the right or left side of the stomach. However, some people claim to experience more right abdominal pain just below the rib cage, rather than the left abdomen when exposedsuduken.

Causes of upper abdominal pain due to suduken

run before eating or running after eating

Many people assume that the stomach ache is the upper aliassuduken caused because you eat too much until satiety. In fact, the reality is not so, you know.

Although there are many studies that discuss about sudukenhealth experts still haven't found a causesudukensurely. However, there are some things that are thought to increase your risk of being exposedsuduken, that is:

1. After eating immediately, move on

People who run out of direct exercise or physical activity will be more susceptible to experiencing itsuduken. This is because your stomach and intestines have not finished digesting food, then have been forced to again burn calories from food.

As a result, the work of the intestine gets heavier and triggers gas bubbles in the digestive tract. This gas bubble will move up and press the diaphragm so that it triggerssuduken.

2. Lack of warm-up before exercise

Some running athletes report that they often experience suduken every time less heating. Warming up before exercise is not only beneficial for preventionsuduken, but also makes the muscles more flexible so that they avoid the risk of injury.

3. Drink sweet drinks

A study in the 2015 Sports Medicine journal revealed thatsudukencan also occur if you consume sweet drinks before exercise. Sweet drinks can suppress the visceral ligament muscles (abdominal muscles) towards the diaphragm and trigger abdominal muscle cramps.

4. Scoliosis

The shape of the spine that is bent left or right aka scoliosis can increase your risk of being affectedsuduken. According to a study conducted by Darren P. Morton and Robin Callister in 2010, scoliosis can interfere with the spinal cord connected to the chest (thorax) and trigger suduken.

How to deal with suduken when on the move

side cramping pain in the upper side during exercise

Basically,sudukennot a serious or dangerous health problem. Symptoms sudukeneven usually it will disappear by itself without any treatment.

However, the discomfort caused still needs to be addressed so that you can move normally as usual. Well, here are the steps you can do to deal with upper abdominal pain becausesuduken.

  1. As soon as symptomssudukenappears, immediately sits in the most comfortable position and takes a deep breath.
  2. Press the abdomen that feels painful with your fingers. This method can help relieve annoying abdominal pain.
  3. Regulate your breath slowly. Inhale through your nose and hold for a few seconds, then gently exhale through your mouth.
  4. Perform abdominal breathing exercises to help relieve pain until symptomssudukendisappear by itself.

To prevent suduken relapse, give pause at least 2-4 hours after eating before you start exercising or doing activities. After that, warm up first so that your body's muscles become more flexible.

Don't forget to also prepare a bottle of water to prevent dehydration. That way, you will be better able to deal with risksudukenand can move again normally.

Abdominal Abdominal Pain Suddenly During Activity? Alert Symptoms of Suduken
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