Amputation Types: Not Just Cut Legs


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The type of amputation is divided into two, which is based on the amputation process and based on the amputated area. As we have seen, amputation is the process of removing body parts caused by certain diseases or conditions. Physical injury is one of the main reasons why a person experiences an amputation process. However, thanks to the sophistication of medical technology, many tools such as prosthetic limbs, fake hands, etc. can help sufferers in their activities. To find out more about amputations and their types, let's look below.

Types of amputations based on the amputation process

Traumatic amputation

In a broad sense, the term amputation is certainly traumatic. However, the type of traumatic amputation refers to the way in which amputation has occurred, for example the event of sudden and unexpected violence that causes loss of a person's limb. There are many ways that this amputation can occur, starting from high-risk situations that endanger a person, to accidents that suddenly occur and are not profitable. Some examples of events that allow traumatic amputations are as follows:

  • Accidents involving machinery, often occur in the workplace.
  • Traffic accident.
  • Explosion.
  • Electric shock.
  • Sandwiched in a building or on a car door.

Traumatic amputation is a very dangerous and often life-threatening situation, especially if the person is losing blood. However, due to developmental advances in medical science, the prospects for survival have increased rapidly. Medical personnel are usually quick to arrive at the scene, and vehicles can transport patients by land and air.

In a type of traumatic amputation in which the limbs can no longer be attached, the patient is more likely to experience surgery to form the remaining bones, clean the wound (debridement), and close it by involving skin grafting. This condition can require more than one surgical procedure.

Surgical amputation

Amputation surgery has been an important practice in medicine for thousands of years. The most common cause of amputation is vascular complications. This occurs when the blood supply for limbs has disappeared, and causes debilitating symptoms, called necrosis (cells in the tissue live to die prematurely).

This type of surgical amputation is sometimes also needed after a person has suffered a traumatic injury, and this is done to save someone's life or justify their bones, even though the seriously injured tissue cannot be rebuilt. However, surgical amputation is usually considered the last choice, and if the limbs can still be saved, the surgeon will do it.

Some surgical amputations are even carried out years after the initial injury. For example, there are people who experience reconstruction of the main joint. However, their condition worsens over time, so joint replacement is needed. However, because the injuries suffered by the limbs have weakened, the body cannot withstand further surgery so that amputation is the only remaining choice. After the surgical amputation has taken place, the medical team will try to save other bodily injuries, including the use of implanted limbs to function optimally.

Types of amputations based on the area of ​​amputation

1. Amputation of the foot

Amputation of the lower limbs varies from the beginning of the removal of a portion of the toe, to the entire leg and part of the pelvis. To understand more, look at the types of limb amputations below:

  • Amputation of the bottom of the foot. This usually involves cutting one or more toes. This amputation will affect balance and walking.
  • Separation of the ankle. This is amputation in the ankle, and people are still able to move without the need for prosthetic limbs.
  • Amputation below the knee. This is the amputation of all the parts under the knee that maintain the function of the knee joint.
  • Amputation to knee. This is the removal of the lower limbs and knees simultaneously. The stumped leg can still support the weight of the body if the entire thigh bone is maintained.
  • Amputation above the knee. This is an amputation of the foot that involves the foot section above the knee joint.
  • Pelvic separation. This is an amputation involving all parts of the foot and including the femur. Sometimes the doctor leaves the upper thigh bone and hip to have a good shape or appearance when sitting.
  • Hemipelvectomy. This is the removal of all lower limbs and part of the pelvis.

2. Amputation of the arm

Amputation of the arm varies from removing part of the finger to the entire arm and part of the shoulder. To find out more, let's look at the following amputation types:

  • Amputation of the fingers. Amputation can include the fingertip and part of the finger. Thumb is the most amputated part, and loss of thumb can make it difficult for you to grasp and take something. Even so, this does not mean that losing another finger will not change your life. The loss of other fingers besides the thumb still makes you able to grasp, but lack precision.
  • Metacarpal amputation. This involves removing the entire finger, but still leaving the wrist intact.
  • Wrist separation Amputation involves removing the hand and wrist joint.
  • Amputation below the elbow. This is the amputation of the body below the elbow.
  • Elbow separation. This is the amputation of the forearm at the elbow.
  • Amput the upper part of the elbow. Amputation involves removing the upper arm.
  • Shoulder separation This is the removal of the entire arm, including the shoulder blade and neck bone.


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Amputation Types: Not Just Cut Legs
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