Can Hair Lice Alone Without Must Be Treated?


Medical Video: Head Lice - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Options

Curse hair is not only embarrassing, but it is also very annoying because the itching is asking for mercy and is hard to eradicate. Head lice often attackchildren, but do not rule out the possibility also adults can have fleas in the hair.Well, if you get ticks, do you have to treat them or can you lose hair lice yourself?

Why do fleas make hair itchy?

Fleas are parasites that are very small, almost invisible to the naked eye. Head lice must be on the scalp to survive. Because the condition of a warm scalp is an ideal home for these fleas to breed.

Lice can survive by sucking your blood. This is what causes why curse hair can feel itchy. The way the lice suck blood is roughly similar to how mosquitoes bite the skin and cause bumps. Fleas can cause head itching, especially at night. This can then cause an infection of the scalp.

Head lice do not disappear without treatment

Some people believe that it is possible for hair lice to disappear on their own. Lice can sometimes go away on their own when they are adults and eventually die.

Moreover, the long-term use of anti-fungal shampoos is strongly suspected to cause the flea to become increasingly immune. So, many are reluctant to use it and choose to let the hair lice live freely until they die themselves.

However, head lice do not disappear without treatment. Even dead lice will leave eggs that will hatch and grow up, and continue to reproduce to produce offspring grandchildren. This cycle continues to rotate, so that head lice do not disappear by themselves if left untreated.

Usually, fleas can last up to 30 days in the head. Reported from Kids Health, fleas can produce up to eight eggs a day. Hiiyyy ... Try to imagine if curse hair continues to be left untreated. How many ticks will colonize your scalp, just a week?

Therefore, if you or someone around you has curled hair, you should immediately resolve it completely so that the flea quickly disappears and does not spread to other people.

How do you deal with head lice?

If your head continues to itch and when you see that there are a lot of fine tiny white granules (lice eggs) stuck to your hair and you find very small ticks running around your scalp, you may get head lice. This must be dealt with quickly. With proper treatment, lice can usually disappear in about two weeks.

The most effective way to get rid of head lice is to use an antihistamine drug containing permethrin and pyrethrin. There are many antihypertensive products sold on the market, either in the form of shampoos, oils, creams or special lotions. You can buy it at a pharmacy or drug store without having to use a doctor's prescription.However, you need to repeat the treatment in 7-10 days to kill new lice that may have just hatched after the first treatment. Follow the usage instructions printed on each package, do not use this medicine carelessly.

But, ask first if the drug can be used for children. Some head lice drugs may be dangerous if used by children.

In addition, there are many other alternative ways to eradicate head lice. For example, by applying natural essential oils that are proven effective in eradicating head lice, such as coconut oil, menthol oil, eucalyptus oil, lavender oil, rosemary oil, aniseed oil, nutmeg oil, olive oil, and peppermint oil. The next day, comb your still damp hair with a comb (tight tooth comb), then shampoo using shampoo, rinse, and repeat again. Remember, combing your hair is very important to get rid of fleas in your hair. This is one of the treatments to get rid of head lice quickly.

Finally, it is important to avoid head-to-head contact with other people while on the move. Do not share personal items such as combs, hairbrushes, pillows, blankets, clothes, etc. to prevent transmission of head lice.

Can Hair Lice Alone Without Must Be Treated?
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