Children Are Teenagers, Why Does Their First Period Arrive?



The first menstruation or what is called menarche is the first bleeding from the uterus that occurs in a young woman. Menarche is a sign that a young woman is entering the maturity stage of her sexual organs. For some children, menstruation or menstruation can be late for the first time, unlike other friends. This might make parents wonder. What actually caused the first menstruation of the child not yet arrived?

The average age of the first menstruation occurs around age of 9-16 years. If up to the age of 17 years and above has not happened menarche, you should consult your doctor. But if the child is not yet 17 years old, there is no need to worry. Basically, every child has different patterns of growth and development.

Why doesn't the first menstrual period come?

There are a number of factors that influence when a girl will get her first menstruation. Among others are:

1. Hereditary factors

The pattern of family growth and development can also affect the time difference for your child to meet with peers. Girls will start the age of menstruation are usually not much different from the age of the mother or grandmother or sister at the time of menstruation.

If there is a history like this, special treatment is not usually needed, menarche will occur on its own if the time has arrived. As long as you are within the normal age range for menarche you don't need to worry.

2. Currently undergoing treatment

Consumption of drugs can also affect the age of menarche. Research in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology Metabolism shows that treatment with metformin (for diabetic patients) at the age of 8-12 years can have the effect of late menstruation for the first time.

Other drugs can also affect the hormone cycle in girls, thus affecting the timing of their first menstruation.

3. Body fat

The amount of fat in a child's body can affect the speed and slow pace of the first menstruation. Lack of body fat is the main factor that causes the age of menarche to be slower.

Some young women who are on a strict diet are usually at risk of experiencing this fat reduction. Because, the right amount of fat is needed by the body to regulate hormone levels.

Research in the journal Pediatrics states that the fat content of girls aged 5-9 years is indeed related to the time of their first menstruation. If the fat level is lacking or too little, it can affect late menarche.

4. Hormones

Hormone conditions can also affect the speed or delay of menarche. Reported from Pediatric Endocrinology in 2014, the lack of a hormone called LH and FSH, also called the gonadotropin hormone, can be one of the causes of late menstruation.

Both of these hormones stimulate the development of gonads, which are organs that function in the reproductive process, namely the vagina in women. These LH and FSH hormones are produced from the pituitary gland in the human brain.

5. Lack of physical activity

In the 2016 Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives journal, the arrival of menarche was related to physical activity and sedentary behavior. Less active movement will reduce the level of the hormone melatonin. This can then disrupt the signal in the brain which functions to "command" overall reproductive development, including when the first menstruation occurs.

6. Height

Girls who experience stunting due to malnutrition for a long time will affect their development when they enter adolescence.

Stunting children tend to remain short during adolescence and adulthood. This will affect the reproductive development during puberty.

In the 2012 journal Nutrition and Food Research, adolescents with stunting or short nutritional status experienced menarche later than normal adolescents. Viewed from the number, adolescents aged 10-15 years in the normal height group as much as 54.3% percent had experienced menarche. Meanwhile, in the group of teenagers aged 10-15 years who experience stunting, only as many as 37.8 percent have menarche.

A girl who is tall is usually the level of sexual maturity will be achieved first compared to girls who are shorter. This is because higher daughters have better nutritional status, so they can stimulate hormone growth and spur the arrival of the first period.

7. Socio-economic status

The family's socio-economic status can also affect the age of menarche. Research in the American Science Journal in 2012 shows that the average age of menarche adolescents in the city of Mansoura, Egypt is 12.14 years. More 12-year-old girls in the high and middle socio-economic groups have experienced menarche, compared to 12-year-old girls at low socioeconomic levels.

This is related to the availability of food in the household. Food availability has an impact on the adequacy of family nutrition, especially female nutrition, which can affect the age of menarchenya.

Availability of food sources that are rich in protein, fat, vitamins and minerals are very important for puberty development and growth. For example, reported in the Annual Review the lack of intake of animal protein substances such as grains and legumes was associated with the delay of the first menstruation.

Children Are Teenagers, Why Does Their First Period Arrive?
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