5 Fruits That Can Treat Ulcer When Relapse


Medical Video: Stomach Ulcer | Nucleus Health

Ulcer disease can be caused by several different things, the most important of which is unhealthy lifestyle and food. Maybe many of you who have known what ulcer medicine is effective, based on the cause of your ulcer. But, did you know that you can also treat ulcers that relapse by eating fruit? What fruit can be an ulcer medicine? Consider the following review.

Various fruits to treat stomach ulcers

1. Coconut

Water in coconuts has many minerals and compounds that are soothing to the digestive system in the body. Of course, this is very useful for removing toxic radicals in the body.

Coconut water also helps maintain normal body temperature and inhibits inflammation in the stomach. For ulcer sufferers, it's good to consume one coconut water every day, and see the results with regular consumption for 2 consecutive weeks.

2. Papaya fruit

One result of this fiber-rich plant, also lined up as a fruit to treat ulcers. Papaya has a good content to digest. Contents include vitamins B1, B2, vitamin A, and vitamin C. Papaya also contains minerals such as magnesium, iron, sulfur, and potassium. The mineral content will facilitate your digestion, including relieving stomach ulcers.

In addition, the benefits of papaya are also good for the skin, health of hair, bones, and as an enhancer of the function of the immune system. You can smooth a quarter of a piece of papaya every day, you can also add 2 tablespoons of yogurt without other mixtures. Take it before lunch and dinner, to relieve the heartburn you are suffering from.

3. Apples

Apples are indeed rich in nutrients, with the presence of pectin and glycine combinations. Both combinations contain antacids and make apples one of the fruits to treat ulcers. Apples can reduce nausea, heartburn, and reduce the excess stomach acid content in your digestion.

Do you want to relieve the stomach ulcers by eating only apples? It's easy, eat one apple before eating for 3 days, and don't forget to wash the skin so that it is free from harmful pesticides if it enters the body.

4. Banana fruit

Bananas are one of the fruits with high fiber levels. In addition, the fat and protein content is low. Banana fruit has also been recognized as an energy source that has little laxative effect. Well, pay attention if you are going to eat bananas for ulcer medicine, it's good to choose a ripe banana, bright yellow. Take bananas as your healthy breakfast menu to reduce the symptoms of everyday ulcers.

5. Fruit peach or peach

This sweet fruit has a good content for body health, especially digestion. Fruit peach, has a role as a diuretic and laxative medicine at the same time. Besides that, in fruit peach, there are vitamins A, C and E that can prevent cancer in your digestion. While the mineral content, such as potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium, acts as a protector of a good immune system.

With a soft and easy to digest texture, fruit peach, this can improve the performance of the digestive system for those of you who suffer from heartburn. You can make natural ulcer medicine made from decoction water peachand of course with fruit flesh peach. Drink every day, as much as 2-3 cups per day.

5 Fruits That Can Treat Ulcer When Relapse
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