Evidently, More Productive Work in a Cafe Instead of a Boring Office Boring


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Most companies require each employee to work full 8 hours in the room. But fortunately for you freelance workers who can work wherever they want. Cafes are a favorite choice for many people to work and complete assignments. Apart from being comfortable, a study proved that you could be more enthusiastic about working in a cafe than in an office cubicle.How can? Here's the review.

More work enthusiasm in a noisy cafe than in an office cubicle

Productivity is the key to success at work. But unfortunately, noise in the workplace - whether it's a gossiping invitation from the next table friends until the noise of the bosses meeting and colliding thoughts in the next room - can actually disperse concentration.

This is precisely inversely proportional to the findings of a study from one of the universities in Japan which states that you can be more enthusiastic (and therefore more productive) when working in noisy cafes.

This research was conducted by dividing the two groups. The first group was asked to work in an office setting, complete with the background of the voice of the colleagues who were chatting. The second group was asked to work while accompanied by a background of meaningless noise. During this study, the brain reactions of each participant were observed with a special tool to see how the brain tried to process sounds or ignore existing noises.

The results prove that the background noise that comes from coworkers' conversations can reduce concentration and make you faster. The study also found that working in an office, but trying to block chat by listening to music also continued to reduce work productivity. While the opposite. Noise does not mean that being present in the middle of the cafe is reported to be not too disturbing work productivity.

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Why is that?

The research above concludes that working in an office while chatting is very ineffective rather than working alone in a cafe - even though these two places are equally noisy.The reason is,discussions related to work or gossip that occur in the office will be more distracting than the conversation of two strangers who were accidentally heard in the cafe.

When you hear your co-worker in the office discussing or you are invited to chat, your focus will be entirely on the content of the chat. Buy your concentration and intention to complete what must be completed that day. Familiar with this?

Similarly, the sound of music from your earphones while working. The lyrics and melodies of songs that you really recognize are even "trapping" the brain to reminisce, remembering the memories associated with the song or even provoking the brain to recall the forgotten lyrics, in order to hum.

Be different from the noise around you while working in a cafe - the sound of people ordering food, calling someone, or even chatting with their peers. When you hear an entirely strange background sound, the brain can indirectly sort and block the contents of the conversation because it is totally unrelated to you and your work.

Simply put, the strange background noise in the cafe can be emergency white noise for you. White noise itself is a collection of different types of sounds from various frequencies that can "cover up" sounds that interfere with concentration during work.

Evidently, More Productive Work in a Cafe Instead of a Boring Office Boring
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