Get to know Benzopyrene, a substance that is a combustion that can cause lung cancer


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Most of the cancers appear along the way of life, so does lung cancer. One of the trillions of cells in your body may one day experience setbacks. That is, healthy cells that are normally normal can turn into tumor cells due to various risk factors for lung cancer, one of which is benzopyrene.

Maybe all this time you don't know benzopyrene is around you, you might even be exposed. So, where can we find benzopyrene and what is the connection with lung cancer? Consider the following review.

Get to know benzopyrene, a dangerous substance from combustion

Benzopyrene is a remnant of combustion which includes polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (HPA). This dangerous substance is included in the list of pollutants published by the Environmental Protection Agency in the United States.

Benzopyrene has high carcinogenic properties because it can cause changes or gene mutations. Therefore, benzopyrene is used as an indicator of carcinogenic compounds in food.

Benzopyrene is difficult to break down from the body and usually accumulates in tissues in the liver, kidneys or body fat.

The short-term effects of benzopyrene exposure can be a skin rash, eye irritation, warts, and a burning sensation. While if you are exposed for a long time, benzopyrene can cause skin, bladder cancer and lung cancer.

Some ways benzopyrene gets into the body

Benzopyrene is found in the environment around you, whether it's air, water, or rocks. These compounds can enter your body by being inhaled, absorbed through the skin, and eaten.

The source of benzopyrene in the air comes from the results of human activities, such as cigarette smoke, vehicle fumes, or smoke from forest fires.

If you like scorched parts when eating roast meat, from now on you should avoid it.When meat, fish, or other food is cooked, the fat contained in the muscle will burn, so that benzopyrene is carried along with the smoke and attached to food.

You should also be aware of foods fried in used cooking oil that has been used repeatedly because it is also a source of exposure to benzopyrene.

high carbohydrates

How does benzopyrene increase the risk of lung cancer?

In general, cancer arises because of the accumulation of damaged cells and can no longer be repaired. The cells affected by benzopyrene, including lung cells, are encouraged to reproduce abnormally and accelerate cell death.

Because, exposure to benzopyrene increases the production of one of the free radicals, namely reactive oxygen species (ROS). This ROS will bind DNA and then cause changes in DNA structure.

This change is detrimental to the process of cell division and actually results in gene mutations. The more you are exposed to benzopyrene, the greater the substance will enter your body. As a result, the higher the risk of lung cancer in your body.

A study using white rats was carried out to identify benzopyrene exposure to the respiratory tract. The results showed that there were tumors in the rat's respiratory pathway and lung cell deaths that were faster due to benzopyrene compared to those that were not exposed. This is indicated by the presence of brown stains on the lungs of mice. This further reinforces the relationship between benzoprene and the risk of lung cancer.

How to avoid exposure to benzopyrene

Now you already know various sources of benzopyrene that are around you. So, now is the time for you to avoid foods that are baked or smoked to reduce the risk of exposure to this dangerous substance. Not only that, you can use a mask while in a public place to avoid exposure to cigarette smoke or vehicle fumes.

Don't forget, consume foods rich in antioxidants such as tomatoes, oranges, grapes, and green vegetables. This aims to reduce the risk of lung cancer that is ready to stalk you at any time.

Get to know Benzopyrene, a substance that is a combustion that can cause lung cancer
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