6 High Carbohydrate Foods That Don't Make Fast Weight Loss


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Foods that contain carbohydrates are closely related to weight gain. Because, although most of the carbohydrates that enter the body will be converted into energy, the rest will be stored in the form of fat reserves. But wait a minute. Not all carbohydrate-containing foods are bad for scales, you know! Some high-carbohydrate foods are guaranteed not to make you gain weight. Indeed, what's the secret?

A list of foods containing carbohydrates that do not make weight quickly rises

If you want to keep eating carbo but don't want to keep on increasing weight, look for food sources that contain carbohydrate resistant starch.

Resistant starch is a type of complex carbohydrate that cannot be digested by the intestine. In the intestine, resistant starch will produce short chain fatty acids called SCFA as an energy source for cells in the intestine. Resistant starch will stimulate your digestive system to release more full hormones, thereby helping to reduce appetite for longer.

Reported in Healthline, carbohydrate resistant starch foods are reported to be beneficial for increasing insulin sensitivity which can stabilize blood sugar levels. The effect, you will not easily feel weak and lethargic after eating.

In addition, Prevention mentions a study that found that fulfilling your diet only with 5.4% of total carbohydrate intake of resistant starch will accelerate fat burning after eating as much as 20-30 percent. Even so, more scientific research is needed in large scope in humans to really ensure evidence of resistant starch to reduce weight.

What foods contain carbohydrate resistant starch?


Oat (oatmeal porridge) is a good resistant carbohydrate starch food. In 100 grams the standard oat portion contains around 3.6 grams of resistant starch, while types rolled oats can contain resistant starch up to 11.3 grams per 100 grams of portion.

To further increase the resistant starch content, chill cooked oats for several hours or overnight before eating.

Brown rice

Per 200 grams of cold rice made from rice can contain 3 grams of resistant starch. Not only is it rich in resistant starch, brown rice is also rich in vitamins and minerals that help the process of breaking down energy in the body.

White rice actually has the same properties as brown rice when it is cooled, although the resistant starch levels are not as high as brown rice.


Examples of legumes with high starch resistance are green beans, white beans, lentils, peas, chickpeas, and kidney beans. Depending on the type, per 100 grams of beans can contain 1-4 grams of resistant starch. No wonder if nuts are a choice of snacks for a diet that is not only filling, but also healthy.


Potatoes are a food source of high carbohydrate resistant starch. To further increase the resistance of starch, chill your potatoes after boiling.

Besides containing carbohydrates, potatoes are also rich in other nutrients such as potassium and vitamin C to maintain endurance.

Green Banana

Bananas are foods that contain high carbohydrates, but the most resistant levels of starch are found in green bananas aka bananas that are not perfectly cooked.

Reported on the page of the British Nutrition Foundation, per 100 grams of green banana contains 6.8 grams of resistant starch, while resistant starch in yellow banana is only 0.98 grams.


Corn flour is made from finely dried and ground corn kernels. To increase the resistant starch content in your diet, add 1 tablespoon of pure corn flour to your cold yogurt or oats. Corn flour also helps stabilize blood sugar.

Cooling food can increase its resistant starch levels

Cooling potatoes, rice, whole wheat bread and pasta before being thoroughly eaten can increase the resistant starch levels. So, cook food containing carbohydrates and keep the rest in the refrigerator.

But do not reheat it as soon as you want to eat it at another time. When you will eat, you only need to add a menu of vegetables and other proteins to eat with pasta.

In this way, the carbohydrate source that you eat will contain more amount of resistant starch and can maintain your weight.

6 High Carbohydrate Foods That Don't Make Fast Weight Loss
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