How to do a Pomodoro technique to be more focused


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Time is very valuable, but sometimes we don't know how to spend time on anything. When morning arrives, you rush to the place where you start the activity, no day comes, then suddenly you are on the bed again at night. Sometimes we feel 24 hours is still very lacking, you need more time to complete your targets. If so, who is to blame, time or yourself?

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The key to all tasks and activities going well is setting your time. If you are able to increase productivity, of course everything can be done well. The problem is, often we feel distracted by a number of things, for example by gadgets. Linger watching the gadget so that we forget ourselves to return to activity. Have you ever heard of the Pomodoro technique? Hmm, does the name sound familiar huh? But make no mistake, he said with this technique, you can increase productivity. Want to know more?

What is the Pomodoro technique?

The Pomodoro technique is a time management philosophy in which we who do it must focus optimally in the time period provided. The benefits offered are in the form of fresh creativity and you are able to complete the task faster, besides mental fatigue is not too severe. Wow, is that complicated? Here's how, so you will complete the task in a short period of time. During this time, you are asked to stay focused.

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This technique was discovered by Francesco Cirillo in the early 90's. This system was inspired by how to cut tomatoes when he was a student. The method is quite easy, when you are faced with a difficult task, divide the tasks into short time intervals. To make it easier for you to digest the workings of this technique, here is an explanation.

How do you do the Pomodro technique?

Here's the technique:

  • Select the task that you want to complete.
  • You have to do one task in 25 minutes, try to focus on the task you are working on.
  • Not that 1 task for 25 minutes. To make it easier, divide one task into several parts that must be worked on for 25 minutes each.
  • Take a 5 minute break. At this time, you can do any distractions, such as checking social media. But remember, only 5 minutes.
  • Then, you start working on the task again for the next 25 minutes.
  • When you have done the task for 100 minutes (four times 25 minutes apart), then you can rest longer which is around 15 to 20 minutes.

If you succeed in focusing on the task in 25 minutes, then put an 'X' on your task list. Know when you are distracted. This will be the material for your evaluation in choosing to do the task.

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How can this technique work effectively?

The key to success of this technique is high focus. The challenge is that you may be quite difficult to undergo this technique in everyday life. For example, you will still get distractions through work email, work colleagues, school friends, phone calls from family, and others. When you get the distraction, you have to stop, then start over.

This technique offers productivity, because resting between tasks can keep your mind focused and fresh. However, you also did not immediately succeed in applying this technique the first time you did it. Maybe, it takes around 7 to 20 days to make it work. As we know, sometimes we forget ourselves when we have been distracted at something else.

You should use a 5-minute break to take drinks or walk around the room. This technique is good for people who have it to-do-list (list-that-must-do) a lot, seeing time start to thin out, will increase your focus in completing tasks. Constantly targeting time can minimize you from procrastination.

Keep in mind, not everyone is suitable to use this technique. There are those who like the division of tasks with a specific target time, there are also those who do not like to hear the alarm when it rings every 25 minutes. The technique does make you a little depressed.

What are the goals of doing the Pomodoro technique?

As explained above, this technique helps you to increase productivity by:

  • Keep you away from distraction
  • Increase awareness when making decisions
  • Increase motivation
  • Helps determine your goals to reach the target
  • Change the process of work or study
  • Strengthen your goals in complex situations
  • Avoid multitasking

What if I remain distracted by the environment?

Cirilli was quoted from the Lifehacker website, revealing several ways you can do when there is distraction from outside, such as:

  • Information: let the parties who 'interrupt' know that you need to do something for the next few minutes
  • Negotiation: make an agreement with the parties concerned, when is the right time to interrupt you
  • Schedule: make a schedule when you have to respond to the party
  • Call back: You can respond by calling back when your task done with the Pomodoro technique is done.
How to do a Pomodoro technique to be more focused
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