4 Benefits of Your Cucumber Skin That You Don't Suspect


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When you prepare cucumber for consumption, what do you usually do? Peel the skin or leave it alone? Everyone does have their own likes. Usually a cucumber whose skin is not peeled will become crisper and somewhat bitter. While the cucumber peeled feels soft. However, is there the best way to consume cucumber? With or without skin? To find out the answer, refer to information about the following cucumber skin.

Benefits of cucumber skin

Cucumber is rich in various nutrients needed by the body. Especially if you eat it together with the skin. Yes, cucumber skin should be left alone, not peeled off. If the cucumber peel is peeled, you will lose a variety of important nutrients that you should miss. So, next time you eat cucumber, don't peel the skin.

1. Rich in fiber

Cucumber skin is rich in insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber is a type of food fiber that is not soluble in water, which means this type of fiber will pass through your digestive tract intact. Because it is not immediately decomposed, insoluble fiber is effective to help launch your intestines and digestive tract by pushing leftovers and substances that have been processed out of the body. So, you also become smooth defecation. Insoluble fiber is also good for relieving constipation.

Meanwhile, cucumber meat contains a lot of soluble fiber. Soluble fiber is needed by the body to bind fluids to become thicker in your digestive system. You also feel full longer because the stomach is not left empty. So, this combination of soluble and insoluble fiber is the best for you and your family.

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2. Vitamin K content

Do not peel cucumber if you do not want to miss the benefits of vitamin K. This vitamin can trigger the production of certain proteins that your bones need to remain strong and dense. Besides being good for bones, vitamin K can also improve and trigger the production of new cells in the body. Your blood also needs vitamin K so it's not too runny and to prevent bleeding. You can find this vitamin most on cucumber skin.

3. High beta carotene

In cucumber skin, there is a high content of beta carotene. Beta carotene which is one type of vitamin A can be found in fruits or vegetables that are thick and bright. So, compared to cucumber meat that is pale in color, cucumber skin is the biggest source of beta carotene. This substance is good for maintaining the health of your eyes and senses of vision. In addition, beta carotene is also needed by the body's immune system to fight viruses, bacteria, and germs that cause disease.

4. Low calories

No need to feel guilty if you eat a lot of cucumber, for example in salads, gado-gado, pickles, or vegetables. Because, despite having a myriad of nutrients, skin and cucumber meat only offers just a small amount of calories, which is 1-2 calories in each cucumber slice. Because cucumbers also contain lots of water, eating cucumber can make you full, but not much calories.

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Tips for choosing fresh cucumber

Be careful when you choose cucumbers in the market, vegetable vendors, or supermarkets. If you want to enjoy the skin too, you should pay close attention to its physical form. You certainly don't want to buy bitter cucumbers or have been contaminated with chemicals from pesticides or food candles.

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Healthy cucumber skin color is green grass to dark green. Don't choose too yellow or too bright. Also pay attention if the cucumber skin looks shiny. It is probable that the cucumber has been coated with food wax to make it look more radiant. So, look for cucumbers that look fresh naturally. To avoid the risk of dangerous pesticides, you can also choose organic cucumber.

Note also the shape and density of cucumber. Avoid cucumbers that have been soft when pressed. You can also see whether the cucumber is proportional from the top to the bottom. This can be a reference to determine whether your cucumber tastes sweet enough. However, as clean and as good as the cucumber you buy, make sure to wash the cucumber thoroughly with boiled water before consumption.

4 Benefits of Your Cucumber Skin That You Don't Suspect
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