Is it true that drinking wine before bed can make you sleep soundly?


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Drinking wine is known to have several health benefits, including reducing the risk of lung cancer, heart disease and disease Alzheimer'sHowever, the wine is digadang can make a person drowsy quickly. Therefore, drinks made from wine and containing alcohol are often consumed by some people who have sleep disorders, for example insomnia.

The reason, a survey published in the journal Sleep found that 28 percent of people with insomnia drink alcohol to help them sleep. About 68 percent of people with insomnia say that alcohol is effective to help them fall asleep. Is it really as good as the efficacy of wine to help you sleep faster and better? Are there dangers to health?

Benefits of drinking wine to help you sleep

A study in Milan, Italy shows that wine made from red wine can help people fall asleep more easily. Because the skin of red wine contains the hormone melatonin, which regulates the brain's signal to feel sleepy and instructs you to fall asleep. Melatonin is also a powerful antioxidant that fights aging and is important for increasing one's libido.

Your body generally produces melatonin in the pineal gland in the brain. Unfortunately, in some people the level of melatonin in the body is not enough to make you feel sleepy or fall asleep. So not infrequently, in certain health conditions, many people find it difficult to quickly fall asleep and drink wine to help with sleep problems.

It should also be noted, if only wine made from red wine which contains high melatonin. Not with wine made from white wine. Because wine from white wine does not use grape skin, which is the skin of grapes that contain lots of melatonin.

Can you drink wine as a "medicine" to sleep?

Although drinking wine or alcohol can help you fall asleep quickly, wine can also make your sleep less restful. Keep in mind, your body is through two different stages of sleep at night. The first state is called slow wave sleep (SWS). Where in this situation your brain waves on slow brain waves.

After this SWS phase, the next phase is rapid eye movement or REM (rapid eye movement). Drinking wine containing alcohol within an hour before you fall asleep can disrupt the second half of your sleep cycle. This can cause you to miss your REM period and make it easy to wake up a few hours later.

The tyrosine content in wine can also make you have nightmares and wake up in the middle of the night

Fermented red wine generally contains neurotransmitters called tyrosine. These neurotransmitters function as chemical messengers in the brain. Taking tyrosine can wake you up at night and cause heart palpitations. Types of Chianti wine, for example, are very rich in tyrosine.

Not only wine, food and drinks such as tea, cheese, fermented meat and chocolate, before going to bed can interfere with deep sleep. Tyrosine can also improve your brain and make you feel more active.

Eating tyrosine-rich foods can be balanced with foods that contain carbohydrates, which can calm the brain. Drinking wine and other types of alcoholic beverages not only interferes with the second part of your sleep, but can also cause you to have nightmares. You cannot experience deep sleep quality until the body's content and effects of alcohol are lost.

Is it true that drinking wine before bed can make you sleep soundly?
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