Sahur Menu that is Suitable for Consumption During Diet During Fasting


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Sahur is a time that should not be overlooked during the fasting month. This is an important time where you can replenish your energy for later use. Especially when you diet in the fasting month, sahur can help you control your appetite when breaking fast arrives. What Sahur menu should be available on a diet?

Types of food that should be consumed at dawn

Make sure the food you consume is enough to provide energy for you to move during fasting. When dawn, you should consider the type of food you consume. Also, pay attention to the portion of your meal at dawn. This is important for those of you who want to lose weight while fasting. Overeating during dawn can contribute to excess calories in your body.

Foods that should be consumed at dawn are:

Complex carbohydrates

It is important for those of you who want to lose weight during fasting to consume the type of complex carbohydrates at dawn. Complex carbohydrates contain high fiber which can keep you full longer and can also provide longer energy. So, you do not feel excessive hunger when breaking fast. Fiber can help you lose weight.

Examples of food sources of complex carbohydrates are brown rice, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, oats, quinoa, potatoes and skin, and others. You can consume this food as much as 1 portion at dawn or equivalent to 100 grams of brown rice.


Protein can also help you lose weight, so you need to eat protein foods at dawn. In addition, the body also needs protein to replace or repair damaged body cells and boost the immune system.

If you want to lose weight, choose food sources of protein with low fat content, such as fish, lean meat, skinless chicken, and eggs. You can also eat food sources of vegetable protein, such as tofu, tempeh, kidney beans, green beans, soybeans, and others.

The key is the cooking method you use. Choose the cooking method by boiling, steaming, and baking rather than frying. Frying food will only increase the fat and calorie content of the food, even though it tastes more delicious. You can eat 1-2 of these protein sources at dawn.

Vegetables and fruits

This is a mandatory meal for those of you who want to lose weight while fasting. Vegetables and fruits contain lots of fiber and also various vitamins and minerals that are needed by the body. Of course, this intake is very necessary as long as you fast. At the very least, vegetables and fruits that you should consume at dawn are as many as 2-3 servings.

Sahur menu on a diet during fasting

At dawn, at least enough of your calorie needs as much as 500-600 calories. Some examples of sahur menus with these calorie ranges are:

Menu 1 : grilled chicken; scrambled egg; tofu Pepes; spinach, broccoli, and steamed corn; fruit salad

Menu 2 : boiled potatoes with the skin; beefsteak; sauteed chickpeas, carrots and corn; fruit soup

Menu 3 : oatmeal; roasts; Red beans; egg mixed with roasted red spinach; bananas and apples

Menu 4 : Red rice; boiled chicken; bacem tofu and tempeh; clear vegetable contents of oyong carrots, cabbage, corn, tomatoes; watermelon

Menu 5 : wheat bread filled with ham, eggs, lettuce, carrots and cucumber; fruit salad with Greek yogurt

Sahur Menu that is Suitable for Consumption During Diet During Fasting
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