Is the Blood Type Associated with Personality?


Medical Video: What Your Blood Type Says About Your Personality

You may have heard that blood group B owners have certain personalities, blood type O usually has other characteristics, and so on. The origin of people starting to connect blood type with this personality apparently originated in Japan.

In Japan, blood type has a big influence on life, work, and romance. This happens because Japanese people believe that each blood group has a different personality. This belief began in 1930, when a professor named Tokeji Furukawa published a paper claiming that blood groups A, B, O, and AB reflect the personality of the person who owns it. Since then, the categorization of blood type or "ketsueki-gata" has firmly adhered to Japanese culture.

Culture of blood group categorization in Japan

The following are some of the influences of blood group categorization on Japanese culture:

  • Morning television shows, newspapers, and magazines often publish blood type horoscopes and discuss the compatibility of relationships between blood groups.
  • Characters in animation, comics, and video game often mention blood type.
  • Many companies ask the blood type of prospective employees when conducting job interviews.
  • Large companies are even reportedly making work placement decisions based on the employee's blood type.
  • During World War II, the Japanese Imperial Army had combat groups formed according to blood type.
  • In kindergarten, teachers even adopt teaching methods according to the student blood group.

Linkages of blood type and personality according to "ketsueki-gata"

1. Blood type A

Type A has several good qualities, namely being serious, creative, logical, quiet, patient, and responsible (even though it is stubborn and tense).

2. Blood type B

Type B has a high spirit, active, creative, and strong. But on the other hand, type B is also selfish, irresponsible, unforgiving, and erratic.

3. Blood type O

Type O has strong self-confidence, is self-determination, strong-willed, and intuitive. Unfortunately, type O is also selfish, cold, unpredictable, and has the potential to become a workaholic.

4. Blood type AB

Tope AB is an attractive, controlled, rational and adaptable individual. However, type AB is also a critical, indecisive, forgetful and irresponsible individual.

Do researchers agree on the relevance of blood type and personality?

A research article published online at PLoS One on May 15, 2015 stated that there was a series of evidence that blood groups were associated with various diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and diseases related to immune stress responses. There are also reports that certain personality traits, such as depression and anxiety, may be related to the disease. Therefore, it is possible that blood groups are also associated with personality traits although there is no scientific consensus regarding the relationship between blood type and personality traits.

Personality assessment based on blood type

In the study, personality was assessed using TCI (Temperament and Character Inventory) TCI consists of seven dimensions, including four dimensions of temperament and three dimensions of character. Temperament dimensions, which include Novelty Seeking (looking for new things), Harm Avoidance (avoid danger), Dependence Reward (dependence on awards), and Persistence (persistence).

Novelty Seeking relating to exploration and activity behavior in the face of new stimuli; Harm Avoidance refers to the tendency of individuals to inhibit behavior when facing potentially dangerous stimuli and a tendency to anticipate negative effects; Dependence Reward refers to relationship concerns and affective skills, and dependent attitudes; and Persistence are characteristics of craft, perseverance, and stability towards frustration and fatigue.

The character dimension consists of Self-directedness (direct yourself), Cooperativeness (mutual cooperation), and Self-transcendence (self transcendence). Self-directedness reflect the level of individual autonomy, reliability, and maturity; Cooperativeness relating to social skills, including support, cooperation, and partnerships; and Self-transcendence show talent for mysticism, religion, and idealism.

The following are the results of the TCI assessment of each ABO blood group:

blood type and personality

Blood type and personality

From the table above, we can see the scores of each blood group in the seven dimensions. You can see the results based on the highest score and that's the link between blood type and personality that is assessed based on TCI ratings.


"Although the relationship between ABO blood type and personality traits has been treated as pseudo-science, we observed a significant association between ABO blood group genotypes and personality traits in many Japanese health subjects," according to the researchers. "However, this result must be considered as a beginning and must be interpreted with caution because it is possible that the relationship between the ABO blood group genotype and personality characteristics relatively weak. "


  • Guide to Living a Blood Type Diet
  • 5 Health Facts Related to Blood Type
  • Blood Type and Risk of Disease
Is the Blood Type Associated with Personality?
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